Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 46 78.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
106 9 0 12 defined $alias and length $alias
198 0 1 59 defined $scheme and exists $supported_schemes{$scheme}
223 0 0 59 defined $host and length $host
551 1 2 16 $$request[4] & 96 and not $$request[4] & 128
689 21 21 3 defined $input->content_length and $input->content_length == 0
716 34 3 5 defined $$heap{'factory'}->max_response_size and defined $input->content_length
37 3 2 defined $$heap{'factory'}->max_response_size and defined $input->content_length and $input->content_length > $$heap{'factory'}->max_response_size
760 2 2 3 @te and exists $te_filters{$te[-1]}
780 0 1 0 @ce and exists $te_filters{$ce[-1]}
813 67 0 0 ref $input and UNIVERSAL::isa($input, 'HTTP::Response')
823 47 6 18 $$request[4] & 64 and not $$request[4] & 128
948 5 5 14 defined $connection_header and $connection_header =~ /\bclose\b/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
185 7 0 $$heap{'request'} || {}
384 2 1 $$response{'error_num'} || '??'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
689 4 1 45 $$request[3]->method eq 'HEAD' or $input->code =~ /^(?:1|[23]04)/
5 0 45 $$request[3]->method eq 'HEAD' or $input->code =~ /^(?:1|[23]04)/ or defined $input->content_length and $input->content_length == 0