Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 28 53.5

line true false branch
31 2 0 unless exists $active_identifiers{++$current_id}
48 0 2 ref $options eq 'HASH' ? :
73 0 2 if ($$self{'alias'}) { }
90 2 0 unless $$self{'alias'}
104 0 2 if $$self{'_shutdown'}
106 0 2 if (ref $_[10] eq 'HASH') { }
114 0 2 unless ($$args{'event'})
120 0 2 unless $$args{'url'} and 'URI'->new($$args{'url'}) and 'URI'->new($$args{'url'})->scheme eq 'http'
123 0 2 unless $$args{'cmd'}
128 0 2 unless defined $arg
132 0 2 if $arg and not $$args{'search'}
147 2 0 $$req{'search'} ? :
169 1 1 if ($resp->is_success) { }
172 0 1 unless ($data)