Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 36 25.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
60 0 0 15 defined $fsfile and defined $goto
0 0 15 defined $fsfile and defined $goto and $goto ne ""
89 0 0 15 UNIVERSAL::isa($id_hash, "HASH") and exists $id_hash->{$id}
97 0 0 15 UNIVERSAL::can($node, 'root') && $node->root
101 0 9 6 defined $root && &first(sub { $list->[$_] == $root; } , 0 .. $#$list)
103 0 15 0 defined $root and not defined $n
138 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($id_hash, "HASH") and exists $id_hash->{$id}
165 0 0 0 $trees_type and $root_type
240 15 0 0 $filename =~ /^ (.*) # file name with any characters followed by (\#\#[0-9]+\.) # 2x#, at least one number and full stop ([^0-9\#][^\#]*) # followed by one non-numeric not-# character and any number of not-# chars $ /x and "Treex::PML::Schema::CDATA"->check_string_format($3, "ID")
0 0 15 $filename =~ /^ (.*) # file name with any characters followed by \# # one hash followed by ([^\#]+) # any number of not-# characters $ /x and "Treex::PML::Schema::CDATA"->check_string_format($2, "ID")
362 0 0 0 $type && $type->find_members_by_role('#ID')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
107 0 0 0 not defined $n or $n == -1