Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 18 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 0 0 26 $line and not $line =~ /^#/
0 0 26 $line and not $line =~ /^#/ and not $line =~ /^[\ \t]+$/
138 0 0 26 $s and $p
0 0 26 $s and $p and $o
145 0 0 26 UNIVERSAL::isa($s, 'ODO::Node') and UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'ODO::Node')
0 0 26 UNIVERSAL::isa($s, 'ODO::Node') and UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'ODO::Node') and UNIVERSAL::isa($o, 'ODO::Node')