Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1738 2646 65.6

line true false branch
60 0 1524 unless my $parser = $args{'parser'}
86 974 550 unless exists $self->{'varmap'}{'inst'}
87 974 550 unless exists $self->{'varmap'}{'fun'}
88 974 550 unless exists $self->{'varmap'}{'class'}
89 974 550 unless exists $self->{'varmap'}{'static'}
90 1246 278 unless exists $self->{'varmap'}{'stdout'}
92 0 0 if exists $self->{'with'}{'getenv'} and $self->{'toplevel'}
102 378 423 unless exists $args{'globals'}
103 106 695 unless exists $args{'varmap'}
104 731 70 unless exists $args{'parser'}
120 0 801 exists $ctx->{'log'} ? :
65 736 exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} ? :
134 64 108 $ctx->{'infunction'} ? :
156 232 10 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'fun'})
157 232 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'fun'}) { }
163 229 13 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'class'})
164 229 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'class'}) { }
172 8 234 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'})
182 0 272 unless my $varmap = $args{'varmap'}
189 1 271 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'$this'})
192 272 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'})
195 272 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'fun'})
198 272 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'class'})
201 272 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'})
237 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'with'}{'getenv'} and scalar @$args == 1)
239 0 0 if (defined $s)
243 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'$_ENV'})
246 0 0 if ($s ne uc $s)
250 0 0 if (defined $arrval)
270 1 0 if (scalar @$args >= 1) { }
275 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'} and defined $name)
276 1 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
277 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
280 1 0 if (defined $fun) { }
299 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'})
300 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
301 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
315 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'})
316 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'}{'handler'}) { }
317 1 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
323 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
326 1 0 if (is_strval($s) and $handler ne '#null') { }
330 1 0 if (defined $k)
337 1 0 if (@r)
345 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
357 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'})
358 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'}{'handler'}) { }
359 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
365 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
378 10 1526 if ($k =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and $parser->{'strmap'}{$k}[0] eq 'namespace') { }
175 1351 elsif ($k =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
53 1298 elsif ($k =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
383 164 11 if (defined $f)
391 45 44 if ($a =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
393 45 0 if (defined $f)
394 45 0 defined $c ? :
400 53 0 if (defined $c)
414 457 327 if (is_block($stmt))
418 10 1080 if ($k =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and $parser->{'strmap'}{$k}[0] eq 'namespace') { }
184 896 elsif ($k =~ /^#(fun|class)\d+$/) { }
432 1 456 if (scalar @block == 1)
446 784 8 if (defined $s)
447 0 784 if $ctx->{'log'}
449 722 62 if $ctx->{'toplevel'}
454 0 784 if (defined $quote)
461 0 784 if $ctx->{'log'}
467 0 784 if ($parser->{'debug'})
469 0 0 if $parser->{'debug'}
480 784 0 if (defined $arg) { }
0 0 elsif (is_null($arg)) { }
489 456 328 if (is_block($out)) { }
499 0 784 if $ctx->{'log'}
500 456 328 is_block($out) ? :
503 0 784 if $ctx->{'log'}
511 722 0 if ($ctx->{'toplevel'} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'})
512 1 721 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'}{'handler'})
527 722 0 if ($ctx->{'toplevel'} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'})
528 96 626 if (@{$ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'}{'buf'};})
534 1 96 if (defined $k) { }
540 96 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'stdout'})
551 519 265 if (is_block($stmt))
553 12 507 if ($type ne "flat")
556 12 0 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
564 104 680 if exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'} and scalar @{$ctx->{'varmap'}{'stdout'}{'buf'};}
565 0 0 defined $outlist ? :
0 784 if $ctx->{'log'}
568 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
579 17 842 if ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
581 17 0 if (defined $v)
582 4 13 unless (is_variable($v))
586 13 0 if (defined $i)
587 2 11 unless (is_strval($i))
601 0 20 if ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/)
603 0 0 if ($f =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
605 0 0 unless (defined $fn)
619 7 4 if $ctx->is_superglobal($var)
620 0 4 if $ctx->is_global_var($var)
633 6 188 if $ctx->is_superglobal($var)
636 7 181 if (not defined $val) { }
14 167 elsif ($val eq '#unresolved') { }
651 0 0 if $ctx->is_superglobal($var)
652 0 0 if $ctx->is_global_var($var)
655 0 0 if (not defined $val) { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq '#unresolved') { }
672 99 7 if (is_strval($s) and not is_const($s))
675 3 26 unless is_strval($seq->[$i]) and not is_const($seq->[$i])
677 17 82 if ($i > 0) { }
17 65 elsif ($s =~ /^#(const|num)\d+$/) { }
1 64 elsif (is_null($s)) { }
699 12 116 if (scalar @$seq == 1)
710 10 0 if (is_block($s)) { }
712 0 10 if ($type ne "std")
729 4 0 unless (_anon_func_call($parser, $s))
742 0 0 if (is_block($s))
744 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
756 318 2445 if (is_block($s))
758 300 18 if (scalar @$a > 0)
762 767 1696 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/)
764 391 376 if ($cmd =~ /^$pattern$/)
776 0 0 if (is_block($s))
781 0 0 if (scalar @$sublist > 0)
787 0 0 if ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
798 0 0 if (is_block($s))
803 0 0 if (scalar @$sublist > 0)
809 0 0 if ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/)
812 0 0 unless (is_strval($p) or is_array($p))
824 40 64 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/)
827 40 0 if ($cmd eq "echo")
831 0 40 unless is_strval($p)
845 7 95 if $info->{'calls'}{$call} eq "return"
848 95 0 unless ($name =~ /^(ob_start|exit|die|__halt_compiler)$/i)
849 95 0 unless ($name =~ /^(error_reporting)$/i)
850 95 0 if ($name =~ /^$pattern$/)
858 50 1 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
1 0 elsif ($cmd ne 'global') { }
862 0 50 if (scalar @$arglist > 1 or not is_strval($arglist->[0]))
863 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$pattern$/)
868 1 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$pattern$/)
893 32 169 if (defined $fun) { }
40 129 elsif (my $f = PHP::Decode::Func::get_php_func($call)) { }
898 32 0 unless (exists $info->{'resolved'}{$call})
907 2 38 if (PHP::Decode::Func::func_may_call_callbacks($call))
909 0 2 if ($call eq "array_filter")
911 0 0 if (scalar @list == 1 and $list[0] eq 1)
913 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
917 2 0 unless ($skip)
927 0 273 if ($var =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
265 8 elsif (is_variable($var)) { }
7 1 elsif ($var =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
932 0 0 if (defined $g) { }
0 0 elsif ($ctx->is_superglobal($v)) { }
0 0 elsif (is_variable($v)) { }
938 0 0 if (defined $g) { }
949 26 239 if (defined $g)
953 2 237 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($var))
972 0 209 unless ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
978 92 117 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/)
980 61 31 if (lc $cmd eq "return")
982 7 54 if ($val =~ /^#call\d+$/)
986 5 1 if (is_symbol($name) and lc $name ne "eval" and scalar @$arglist == scalar @$a)
990 1 3 if ($k ne $a->[$i])
995 4 1 if ($arg_match)
1011 54 949 if ($rhs =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
1014 0 54 if ($op eq "=" and defined $v2)
1027 73 876 if (my $c = _skipped_call($parser, $rhs, '(.*)', $info)) { }
7 869 elsif (not is_variable($rhs) || is_flat_elem($rhs, $parser) and $ctx->unresolvable_var($info)) { }
17 852 elsif (is_variable($rhs)) { }
1042 15 2 if (defined $val and $val eq "#unresolved")
1054 50 1188 if ($stmt =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
1066 1120 1225 if ($stmt =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
1069 1070 50 if ($op eq "=" and defined $v2)
1080 50 110 if ($var =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
1084 50 0 if (defined $val and is_array($val))
1107 133 27 if (defined $v)
1113 10 157 unless (defined $vp)
1114 0 10 if (is_strval($prev) or is_array($prev)) { }
1 9 elsif (not _get_echo_arglist($parser, $prev)) { }
1124 1 156 unless (is_strval($lhsp) or is_array($lhsp))
1130 53 103 if (is_variable($v) and $v eq $vp)
1131 0 53 if $ctx->{'log'}
1141 38 65 if (defined $va)
1142 21 17 if ($va eq $vp)
1144 0 21 if $ctx->{'log'}
1156 12 45 if (defined $va)
1163 5 7 if ($size > 1)
1164 0 5 if $ctx->{'log'}
1167 0 12 if $ctx->{'log'}
1178 21 51 if (defined $args)
1183 12 10 unless (defined $prev_args)
1187 10 0 if ($all_str and $prev_all_str) { }
1194 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
1210 98 138 if ($ctx->{'tainted'}) { }
1215 0 236 if (exists $ctx->{'with'}{'invalidate_tainted_vars'})
1217 0 0 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1222 0 0 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1235 6 0 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1236 5 1 if (not exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$k} or $ctx->{'globals'}{$k} ne "#unresolved")
1237 0 5 if $ctx->{'log'}
1249 82 5 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1250 45 37 if (not exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$k} or $ctx->{'varmap'}{$k} ne "#unresolved")
1251 0 45 if $ctx->{'log'}
1263 15 0 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1264 12 3 unless (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$k})
1265 0 12 if $ctx->{'log'}
1277 114 31 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx->is_superglobal($k))
1278 63 51 unless (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$k})
1279 1 62 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$k}) { }
1280 1 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$k})
1281 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
1285 0 62 if $ctx->{'log'}
1299 12 90 if (keys %{$$info{"globals"};})
1303 96 6 if (keys %{$$info{"vars"};})
1305 96 0 if (@vars)
1318 3 28 if (keys %{$$info{"global_assigns"};})
1322 28 3 if (keys %{$$info{"local_assigns"};})
1326 18 13 if (keys %{$$info{"unresolved"};})
1331 2 16 if (keys %{$$info{"globals"};})
1335 17 1 if (keys %{$$info{"vars"};})
1337 17 0 if (@vars)
1352 178 875 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx2->is_superglobal($k))
1353 34 144 if (not exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$k} or $ctx->{'globals'}{$k} ne $ctx2->{'globals'}{$k})
1354 0 34 if $ctx->{'log'}
1360 294 1179 if (is_variable($k) and not $ctx2->is_superglobal($k))
1361 37 257 if (not exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$k} or $ctx->{'varmap'}{$k} ne $ctx2->{'varmap'}{$k})
1362 0 37 if $ctx->{'log'}
1381 10 10 if (defined $g)
1384 0 10 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$var})
1387 0 10 unless ($ctx->{'infunction'})
1398 46 1810 if (defined $inst)
1407 0 0 if (defined $inst)
1419 9 782 if (not $ctx->{'infunction'} and $ctx->{'class_scope'})
1421 9 0 if (not defined $inst or $inst ne "GLOBALS")
1427 55 1105 if defined $inst
1429 14 1146 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($var))
1432 34 1126 if (defined $global) { }
10 1116 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$var}) { }
6 1110 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$var}) { }
4 1106 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$var}) { }
27 1079 elsif (defined $inst and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$inst}) { }
1433 34 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'})
1438 10 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'})
1447 3 1 if ($ctx->{'infunction'} and $ctx->{'incall'}) { }
1460 1153 7 if ($wasset)
1461 192 961 if (not $in_block) { }
1462 0 192 if $ctx->{'log'}
1465 0 961 if $ctx->{'log'}
1474 3 893 if ($name =~ /^\\(.*)$/) { }
7 886 elsif ($ctx->{'namespace'}) { }
1492 62 234 if (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
1497 6 290 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
1500 9 287 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
1505 0 296 if $ctx->{'log'}
1518 196 1021 if (defined $inst)
1519 60 112 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$inst} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$inst}{$prop})
1532 30 1127 if (my $method = $ctx->lookup_method_name($name)) { }
59 1068 elsif (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
1536 31 28 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'fun'}{$method}) { }
0 28 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'fun'}{$method}) { }
1542 341 785 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'fun'}{$name}) { }
4 781 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'fun'}{$name}) { }
1555 1 67 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
1558 2 66 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
1563 0 68 if $ctx->{'log'}
1572 126 10 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'class'}{$name}) { }
1 9 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'class'}{$name}) { }
1587 127 1904 if defined $inst
1589 273 1758 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($var))
1592 331 1700 if (defined $global) { }
14 1686 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$var}) { }
3 1683 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$var}) { }
13 1670 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$var}) { }
45 1625 elsif (defined $inst and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$inst}) { }
1387 238 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$var}) { }
1593 331 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'})
1594 43 288 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$global})
1598 31 257 unless ($ctx->is_superglobal($var))
1599 31 0 if ($ctx->{'incall'} or not exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'null'})
1600 5 26 unless ($ctx->{'tainted'})
1601 5 0 unless $quiet
1606 281 2 unless $quiet
1609 14 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'})
1610 9 5 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$var})
1614 5 0 unless $quiet
1620 9 4 if ($ctx->{'infunction'} and $ctx->{'incall'})
1622 1 8 unless (defined $val)
1627 4 0 unless $quiet
1629 40 5 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$inst}{$instvar}) { }
0 5 elsif (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} and $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$ctx->{'class_scope'}}{$instvar}) { }
1631 5 35 unless (defined $val)
1636 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1638 0 0 unless (defined $val)
1643 5 0 if ($ctx->{'incall'} or not exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'null'})
1644 3 2 unless ($ctx->{'tainted'})
1645 3 0 unless $quiet
1649 2 0 unless $quiet
1661 238 0 if ($ctx->{'incall'} or not exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'null'})
1662 149 89 unless ($ctx->{'tainted'})
1663 147 2 unless $quiet
1667 82 7 unless $quiet
1678 202 5 unless exists $info->{'remaining_locals'}
1679 202 5 unless exists $info->{'remaining_statics'}
1684 111 734 if ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
4 730 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
180 550 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
57 493 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
1687 97 14 if ($op eq '=' and is_variable($v1)) { }
3 18 elsif ($op eq '=' and $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
1693 0 97 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($v1)) { }
3 94 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$v1}) { }
4 90 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$v1}) { }
6 84 elsif (defined $inst and $inst eq 'GLOBALS') { }
3 81 elsif ($ctx->{'infunction'} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$v1}) { }
12 69 elsif (defined $inst and exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} and lc $inst eq $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
69 0 elsif (exists $info->{'local_assigns'}{$v1}) { }
1694 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1696 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
1701 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
1706 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
1708 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
1711 0 12 if $ctx->{'log'}
1715 3 66 if (exists $info->{'noassigns'}{$v1}) { }
13 53 elsif (is_strval($v2)) { }
50 3 elsif (is_array($v2) and PHP::Decode::Op::array_is_const($parser, $v2)) { }
2 1 elsif (is_variable($v2)) { }
1716 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
1719 0 13 if $ctx->{'log'}
1723 0 50 if $ctx->{'log'}
1727 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1732 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
1736 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1742 0 3 if ($v =~ /^\$GLOBALS$/) { }
1 2 elsif ($ctx->is_superglobal($v)) { }
0 2 elsif (exists $info->{'noassigns'}{$v}) { }
2 0 elsif (is_variable($v)) { }
1743 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1745 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
1747 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1750 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1754 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1760 4 0 if (lc $o eq '$this') { }
1765 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
1768 4 176 if ($cmd eq 'static') { }
4 172 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
1771 2 2 if ($v =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
1772 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1774 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1786 10 47 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($s)) { }
3 44 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$s}) { }
0 44 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$s}) { }
9 35 elsif (defined $inst and $inst eq 'GLOBALS') { }
3 32 elsif ($ctx->{'infunction'} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$s}) { }
16 16 elsif (defined $inst and exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} and lc $inst eq $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
12 4 elsif (exists $info->{'vars'}{$s}) { }
1787 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
1789 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
1793 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1796 0 9 if $ctx->{'log'}
1798 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
1801 0 16 if $ctx->{'log'}
1804 0 12 if (lc $s eq '$this') { }
1805 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1808 0 12 if $ctx->{'log'}
1812 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
1819 72 135 if ($out ne $code)
1820 0 72 if $ctx->{'log'}
1834 212 1606 if ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/)
1841 102 209 if ($i + 1 < scalar @$a)
1844 82 20 if ($k2 =~ /^#stmt\d+$/)
1846 74 8 if ($cmd2 eq "return")
1850 67 35 if (defined $var and $k =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
1852 2 65 if ($op eq "=" and $var eq $v1)
1854 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1863 0 309 if ($v ne $k) { }
1864 0 0 unless ($parser->is_empty_block($v))
1872 2 210 if ($arg_changed)
1880 2 510 if ($out ne $code)
1881 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
1892 286 11 unless (scalar keys %{$$info{"global_assigns"};} > 0)
1899 4 64 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
16 48 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
1901 4 0 if ($cmd eq "global")
1903 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
1911 0 16 if (defined $inst and $inst ne 'GLOBALS') { }
10 6 elsif (defined $g) { }
1912 0 0 if ($inst =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
1913 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1915 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1918 0 10 if ($cctx->{'infunction'}) { }
1930 10 1 if ($out ne $code)
1931 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
1945 5 11 if (is_variable($s))
1948 5 0 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($s)) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$s}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'global'}{$s}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $inst and $inst eq 'GLOBALS') { }
0 0 elsif ($ctx->{'infunction'} and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$s}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $inst and exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} and lc $inst eq $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $info->{'vars'}{$s}) { }
1949 0 5 if $ctx->{'log'}
1951 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1953 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1955 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1957 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1959 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1961 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1969 0 4 if ($out ne $code)
1970 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
1984 129 13 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/)
1986 127 2 if ($cmd =~ /^$pattern$/)
1993 127 0 if ($changed)
2009 4 313 unless $allow
2011 38 275 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
165 110 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
14 96 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
6 90 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
13 77 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
5 72 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
0 72 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
53 19 elsif (is_strval($s)) { }
0 19 elsif (is_array($s)) { }
19 0 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
2013 33 5 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 5 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
4 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
0 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
2016 0 33 unless ($ctx->can_inline($a))
2024 0 0 if ($ctx->can_inline($arg))
2031 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2040 14 0 if ($op ne "\$")
2041 14 0 if (defined $v1)
2042 1 13 unless ($ctx->can_inline($v1))
2046 13 1 if ($allow and defined $v2)
2047 0 13 unless ($ctx->can_inline($v2))
2056 0 6 unless ($ctx->can_inline($v))
2059 6 0 if ($allow and defined $i)
2060 0 6 unless ($ctx->can_inline($i))
2068 0 0 if (defined $inst or is_symbol($name) or is_strval($name) or $name =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
2069 13 0 unless ($name =~ /^(eval|create_function)$/i)
2073 0 4 unless ($ctx->can_inline($a))
2078 13 0 if ($can)
2079 0 13 if $ctx->{'log'}
2089 0 53 if $ctx->{'log'}
2092 0 0 if (PHP::Decode::Op::array_is_const($parser, $s))
2093 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2099 7 12 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($s)) { }
0 12 elsif (defined $inst and $inst ne 'GLOBALS') { }
10 4 elsif (defined $inst and not $inst =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
2100 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
2103 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2106 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
2127 0 52 unless $allow
2129 11 41 if ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
11 30 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
5 25 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
0 25 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
6 19 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
0 19 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
19 0 elsif (is_strval($s)) { }
2131 9 2 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
0 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
2 0 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(if|while|do|for|foreach|switch)$/) { }
2136 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2146 5 0 if ($op eq "=")
2147 5 0 if (is_strval($v2))
2154 0 0 unless (PHP::Decode::Func::func_may_return_string($_name))
2176 0 73 if (exists $info->{'returns'} or exists $info->{'calls'}{'eval'} or exists $info->{'calls'}{'create_function'})
2187 3 119 if ($param->[$i] =~ /^#ref\d+$/)
2190 0 122 if (exists $info->{'vars'}{$param->[$i]})
2211 127 2 if ($i < scalar @$arglist)
2214 1 128 if ($param->[$i] =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
3 125 elsif ($param->[$i] =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
2216 0 1 if ($op ne "=")
2222 1 0 unless (defined $val)
2227 3 0 if (is_variable($val)) { }
2232 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
2237 1 124 unless (defined $val)
2243 128 0 if (is_variable($var))
2247 0 128 if (_skipped_call($parser, $val, "(.*)", $info))
2251 0 128 if ($ctx->contains_local_var($info)) { }
0 128 elsif ($val =~ /^#expr\d+$/ and scalar keys %{$$info{'assigns'};} > 0) { }
1 127 elsif ($val =~ /^#expr\d+$/ and $parser->{'strmap'}{$val}[0] eq '$') { }
4 123 elsif (scalar keys %{$$info{'vars'};} > 0) { }
2263 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
2266 0 123 if $ctx->{'log'}
2307 2 203 unless (defined $varmap)
2310 0 203 if $ctx->{'log'}
2320 54 149 if (defined $inst)
2322 24 30 if (defined $method) { }
2325 4 20 if ($prop eq '__construct') { }
2 18 elsif (lc $cmd eq method_name($prop, $prop)) { }
2334 10 193 $cmd =~ /^#fun\d+$/ ? :
2337 203 0 if (defined $res)
2339 0 203 if $ctx->{'log'}
2340 200 3 if (is_block($res)) { }
2347 203 0 if (defined $out)
2352 202 1 if (scalar @$out > 0) { }
2357 10 192 $u ? :
19 183 $f ? :
2360 174 28 if (scalar keys %{$$resinfo{'remaining_locals'};} == 0 and scalar keys %{$$resinfo{'remaining_statics'};} == 0) { }
21 7 elsif (scalar keys %{$$resinfo{'remaining_statics'};} > 0) { }
2361 68 106 if ($res ne $res1)
2372 6 196 if ($is_construct)
2373 6 0 unless (_anon_func_call($parser, $res))
2376 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
2382 20 176 if (defined $u or defined $f)
2383 7 13 if ($ctx2->{'tainted'} > $ctx->{'tainted'})
2389 130 66 if (_can_return($resinfo))
2390 0 130 unless (defined $r)
2391 0 0 if ($ctx->{'infunction'} and not $ctx->{'incall'})
2392 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2395 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2403 4 126 if ($ctx2->contains_local_var($arginfo))
2404 2 2 if ($ctx->{'infunction'} and not $ctx->{'incall'})
2405 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
2408 0 2 if ($keep_call or $unresolved_param)
2409 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2412 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
2420 7 119 if ($keep_call or $unresolved_param)
2422 0 7 if (_can_return($resinfo)) { }
2423 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2426 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
2430 119 0 if ($ctx2->can_inline($res1))
2434 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2442 66 1 if (scalar @$out > 0)
2446 0 66 if $ctx->{'log'}
2448 12 54 if ($keep_call or $unresolved_param)
2451 52 2 if ($ctx2->can_inline($res))
2468 51 154 if (exists $parser->{'strmap'}{'_CALL'}{$cmd}) { }
2475 0 205 if ($level > 4) { }
2482 200 5 if (defined $ret)
2524 55 0 if ($var =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
2527 42 0 if ($op eq "\$" and not defined $v1 and defined $v2)
2530 37 5 if (defined $val)
2533 2 3 if ($v2 ne $op2)
2547 65 0 if ($var =~ /^#obj\d+$/)
2550 0 65 if ($o =~ /^#inst\d+$/)
2555 50 15 if (defined $basevar and not $has_index) { }
0 15 elsif ($o =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
2557 29 21 if ($basestr ne $basevar)
2558 0 0 defined $basestr ? :
0 29 if $ctx->{'log'}
2561 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2564 15 50 unless (defined $basestr)
2566 13 2 if ($inst ne $o)
2567 0 13 if $ctx->{'log'}
2571 0 0 defined $basestr ? :
0 65 if $ctx->{'log'}
2573 40 25 if (defined $basestr and $basestr =~ /^#inst\d+$/)
2579 1 39 if (is_block($m) or is_variable($m))
2582 1 39 if (is_strval($sym) and not is_null($sym))
2584 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
2598 49 0 if ($var =~ /^#scope\d+$/)
2603 0 49 if ($c =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
2608 1 48 unless (is_symbol($name))
2610 0 1 if (is_strval($s) and not is_null($s)) { }
2615 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
2617 3 46 if ($name eq 'self') { }
0 46 elsif ($name eq 'parent') { }
2618 3 0 if (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
2624 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
2634 46 3 if (defined $class)
2637 3 43 unless defined $scopename
2639 22 24 if (is_variable($e)) { }
2641 22 0 if (defined $basevar and is_variable($basevar))
2642 0 22 if $ctx->{'log'}
2647 0 24 if (is_block($e))
2650 0 24 if (is_strval($sym) and not is_null($sym))
2652 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2667 11 0 if ($var =~ /^#ns\d+$/)
2671 7 4 if (not defined $n) { }
2672 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
2676 4 0 unless (is_symbol($name))
2678 0 4 if (is_strval($s) and not is_null($s)) { }
2683 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
2685 0 4 if ($name eq 'namespace') { }
2703 164 0 if ($elemlist->[0] =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
2706 140 24 if (defined $i and not $v =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
2711 2 138 if ($v =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
4 134 elsif ($v =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
2713 0 2 if ($val ne $v and not is_variable($val))
2718 2 2 if (defined $inst)
2724 65 75 if (defined $val and is_variable($val))
2727 30 35 if (defined $g) { }
21 14 elsif ($ctx->is_superglobal($val)) { }
2730 13 17 if ($ctx->{'infunction'})
2734 4 26 if (@$elemlist) { }
2771 29 94 if (is_variable($val))
2773 29 0 if (not $ctx->is_superglobal($val) or $superglobals_writable)
2778 38 56 if (defined $val and is_strval($val) and $parser->get_strval_or_str($val) eq "")
2782 38 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'treat_empty_str_like_empty_array'})
2787 0 123 if (defined $val and is_null($val))
2790 119 4 if (not defined $val or is_array($val)) { }
2791 67 52 if (not defined $val) { }
2796 0 67 if $ctx->{'log'}
2803 0 52 if $ctx->{'log'}
2825 22 0 if (defined $i)
2827 1 21 if is_null($idx)
2829 4 18 if (defined $arrval)
2833 21 1 if (not defined $nextval or is_array($nextval))
2834 18 3 unless (defined $nextval)
2838 0 18 if $ctx->{'log'}
2841 0 21 if (not defined $idx) { }
21 0 elsif (is_strval($idx)) { }
2843 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2846 0 21 if $ctx->{'log'}
2848 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2851 22 0 if ($elem ne $v or $idx ne $i)
2872 0 180 unless (defined $var)
2876 124 56 if (is_variable($var)) { }
0 56 elsif ($var =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
0 56 elsif ($var =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
16 40 elsif ($var =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
40 0 elsif ($var =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
2877 0 124 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$var})
2880 0 0 if ($var1 =~ /^\$GLOBALS$/)
2881 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2888 0 0 if (defined $inst)
2890 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2895 0 0 if (defined $scope and is_variable($val))
2897 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2903 0 16 unless (defined $v)
2907 0 16 if (is_strval($v))
2911 0 0 if (defined $idxstr)
2912 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2916 0 16 if (is_array($v))
2920 0 0 if (defined $idxstr)
2921 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
2931 1 15 unless ($basevar =~ /^(\#elem\d+)$/)
2932 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
2937 0 0 defined $i ? :
0 0 defined $basevar ? :
0 0 defined $baseidx ? :
0 15 if $ctx->{'log'}
2939 15 0 if (defined $basevar)
2940 15 0 if (defined $i)
2947 27 13 if ($val ne $var and not $val =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
2964 27 599 if ($i < scalar @$param and $$param[$i++] =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
255 344 elsif (not is_strval($p) or is_const($p)) { }
2972 158 97 if ($v ne $p)
2987 2 2 if ($i < scalar @$param and $$param[$i++] =~ /^#ref\d+$/)
2988 2 0 if (is_variable($p))
3000 0 59 if (exists $parser->{'strmap'}{'_LOOP'}) { }
3023 59 0 if ($toploop) { }
3037 0 8049 unless (defined $var)
3041 1096 6953 if (is_strval($var) and not is_const($var))
3044 6 6947 if ($var =~ /^#ref\d+$/)
3047 0 0 $in_block ? :
0 6947 if $ctx->{'log'}
3049 1588 5359 if (is_variable($var)) { }
89 5270 elsif (is_const($var)) { }
201 5069 elsif ($var =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
22 5047 elsif ($var =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
16 5031 elsif ($var =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
9 5022 elsif ($var =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
363 4659 elsif ($var =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
1618 3041 elsif ($var =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
733 2308 elsif ($var =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
1299 1009 elsif ($var =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
710 299 elsif ($var =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
242 57 elsif ($var =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
56 1 elsif ($var =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
3050 15 1573 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'ref'}{$var})
3053 0 15 if $ctx->{'log'}
3059 266 1322 if (defined $val and $val eq "#unresolved")
3060 0 266 if $ctx->{'log'}
3070 1031 557 if (defined $val)
3073 670 361 if (is_strval($val)) { }
309 52 elsif (is_array($val)) { }
3075 0 670 if $ctx->{'log'}
3079 0 309 if $ctx->{'log'}
3081 0 52 if $ctx->{'log'}
3100 3 86 if (exists $ctx->{'defines'}{$nv}) { }
5 81 elsif ($v =~ /^__FUNCTION__$/) { }
1 80 elsif ($v =~ /^__CLASS__$/) { }
4 76 elsif ($v =~ /^__METHOD__$/) { }
1 75 elsif ($v =~ /^__NAMESPACE__$/) { }
1 74 elsif ($v =~ /^__DIR__$/) { }
0 74 elsif ($v =~ /^DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR$/) { }
0 74 elsif ($v =~ /^PATH_SEPARATOR$/) { }
0 74 elsif (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{$v}) { }
3103 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
3106 5 0 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
3108 4 1 unless defined $prop
3110 4 1 if (defined $fun)
3112 1 3 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
3121 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
3123 1 0 if (defined $class)
3125 0 1 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
3134 4 0 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
3137 4 0 if (defined $fun)
3141 4 0 if (defined $classname) { }
3148 0 4 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
3157 1 0 if ($ctx->{'namespace'}) { }
3171 0 0 if (is_strval($val))
3174 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3177 24 50 if ($ctx->{'tainted'}) { }
3191 145 56 unless ($ctx->{'incall'})
3192 145 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'arr'})
3200 191 14 if (is_int_index($k) || is_strval($k) and !defined($val) || defined $val && is_strval($val)) { }
3206 9 5 unless (is_int_index($k))
3210 14 0 if (defined $val) { }
3216 10 4 if ($k ne $k2 or $val ne $newmap{$k2})
3221 10 135 if ($changed)
3226 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
3236 13 9 if (defined $inst)
3240 11 2 if (defined $basestr and $basestr ne "#unresolved")
3243 0 2 if ($m ne $prop)
3245 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3254 16 0 if (defined $scope)
3255 13 3 if (is_variable($val)) { }
3 0 elsif (is_symbol($val)) { }
3259 2 11 if (defined $basestr and $basestr ne "#unresolved")
3266 3 0 if (exists $ctx->{'defines'}{$name})
3268 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
3273 0 0 if ($c ne $scope)
3274 0 0 if ($ctx->{'incall'} and $c =~ /^(self|parent)$/)
3279 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3288 9 0 if (defined $ns)
3289 0 9 if ($val =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
0 9 elsif ($val =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
4 5 elsif (is_const($val)) { }
0 5 elsif (is_strval($val)) { }
5 0 elsif (is_symbol($val)) { }
3296 4 0 if (defined $sym and exists $ctx->{'defines'}{$sym})
3298 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
3319 18 345 if (is_null($basestr))
3322 363 0 if (defined $i)
3323 163 200 if (not is_strval($i) or is_const($i))
3326 345 18 if (defined $basestr)
3328 63 282 if (defined $g) { }
51 231 elsif ($ctx->is_superglobal($basestr)) { }
19 212 elsif (is_variable($basestr)) { }
7 205 elsif ($basestr =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
3329 24 39 if ($ctx->{'infunction'})
3334 0 0 defined $basestr ? :
0 63 if $ctx->{'log'}
3336 9 54 if (defined $basestr and $basestr eq "#unresolved")
3339 40 23 if (defined $basestr)
3346 0 51 if (defined $val)
3350 9 10 if ($basestr eq $basevar) { }
3360 0 0 defined $idxstr ? :
0 0 defined $basestr ? :
0 300 if $ctx->{'log'}
3362 7 293 if (defined $basestr and $basestr eq '#unresolved') { }
31 262 elsif (defined $basestr and is_strval($basestr) and not is_null($basestr) and defined $idxstr and is_strval($idxstr)) { }
169 93 elsif (defined $basestr and is_array($basestr) and defined $idxstr) { }
20 73 elsif (not exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'null'} || defined $basestr and !$ctx->is_superglobal($basevar) || $basevar =~ /^\$GLOBALS$/) { }
3363 7 0 defined $i ? :
3370 31 0 if ($pos =~ /^[\d\.]+$/)
3372 3 28 if ($pos >= length $baseval) { }
3379 3 0 if ($pos == length $baseval)
3386 0 28 if $ctx->{'log'}
3392 3 166 if is_null($idxstr)
3394 135 34 if (defined $arrval)
3395 0 135 if $ctx->{'log'}
3399 18 2 unless ($ctx->{'tainted'})
3400 18 0 defined $i ? :
3407 116 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'elem'})
3408 116 0 if (defined $i)
3409 36 80 if ($v ne $basevar or $i ne $idxstr)
3411 0 36 if $ctx->{'log'}
3421 1030 588 if ($op eq "=" and defined $v2)
3424 11 1019 if ($v1 =~ /^#obj\d+$/)
3426 7 4 if (defined $inst)
3428 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
3432 9 1021 if ($v1 =~ /^#scope\d+$/)
3434 9 0 if (defined $scope and is_variable($val))
3436 0 9 if $ctx->{'log'}
3440 13 1017 if ($v1 =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
3444 10 3 if (defined $basevar and $basevar ne $v1)
3445 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
3451 7 1023 is_instvar($vv1) ? :
3453 1030 0 if (defined $v2)
3458 865 165 if (is_variable($vv1)) { }
148 17 elsif ($v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
8 9 elsif ($v1 =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
3459 6 859 if (defined $op2 and $op2 =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
3 856 elsif (defined $v2 and $v2 =~ /^\$GLOBALS$/) { }
5 851 elsif (defined $v2 and $ctx->is_superglobal($v2)) { }
133 718 elsif ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($op2)) { }
1 717 elsif (is_block($op2)) { }
3466 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
3472 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
3487 1 4 if (defined $a and is_array($a)) { }
3491 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
3498 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
3504 120 13 if ($in_block or not exists $ctx->{'varhist'})
3505 0 120 if $ctx->{'log'}
3506 25 95 if ($v1 ne $vv1_sim or $v2 ne $op2)
3511 0 13 if $ctx->{'log'}
3520 1 0 if (scalar @$a > 0) { }
3524 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
3527 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3531 0 717 if $ctx->{'log'}
3534 669 61 if ($in_block) { }
3535 218 451 if ($v1 ne $vv1_sim or $v2 ne $op2)
3551 123 25 if ($basevar =~ /^(\#elem\d+)$/) { }
3561 10 138 if (defined $basestr and is_null($basestr))
3564 0 148 if (defined $basestr and $basestr eq "#unresolved")
3567 123 25 if (defined $i)
3571 148 0 if (defined $basevar)
3572 0 0 defined $idxstr ? :
0 0 defined $parent ? :
0 0 defined $basestr ? :
0 148 if $ctx->{'log'}
3574 25 123 if (not $has_index) { }
3 120 elsif (defined $basestr and is_strval($basestr) and not is_null($basestr) and defined $idxstr) { }
118 2 elsif (not defined $basestr or is_array($basestr)) { }
3575 5 20 if ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($op2)) { }
3582 3 0 if (is_strval($op2))
3595 0 3 if ($@)
3601 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
3605 118 0 if (defined $basestr) { }
3607 25 93 if (not defined $idxstr) { }
92 1 elsif (is_strval($idxstr)) { }
3610 4 21 if ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($op2)) { }
3615 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
3618 0 21 if $ctx->{'log'}
3622 7 85 if ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($op2)) { }
5 80 elsif (is_null($idxstr)) { }
3625 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
3629 0 5 if $ctx->{'log'}
3632 0 80 if $ctx->{'log'}
3636 0 0 if ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($op2))
3644 118 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'expr'})
3646 42 76 if ($v ne $parent or defined $idxstr and $i ne $idxstr)
3649 40 1 unless (is_instvar($parent) or is_instvar($basevar))
3653 108 10 if ($in_block or not exists $ctx->{'varhist'})
3654 61 47 if ($v1 ne $op1 or $v2 ne $op2)
3656 0 61 if $ctx->{'log'}
3664 3 7 if ($v1 ne $op1 or $v2 ne $op2) { }
3665 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
3667 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
3671 9 1 if (is_strval($op2) or is_array($op2))
3687 6 2 if (is_array($op2)) { }
1 1 elsif (is_strval($op2)) { }
3693 7 1 if (defined $arr_s)
3698 1 14 unless defined $dst
3700 12 2 if (defined $src)
3701 10 2 if (is_variable($dst)) { }
2 0 elsif ($dst =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
3702 0 10 if ($ctx->is_unresolved_assignment($src)) { }
3710 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
3715 2 0 unless ($had_assigns)
3726 4 3 if ($in_block or not exists $ctx->{'varhist'})
3727 0 4 if ($v2 ne $op2)
3729 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3737 463 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'expr'})
3738 2 461 if ($v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
3740 2 0 unless ($ctx->is_superglobal($vv1))
3741 0 2 unless (is_variable($vv1) or $vv1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/)
3748 4 459 if ($v1 ne $vv1_sim or $v2 ne $op2)
3752 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
3760 447 141 if (defined $v1)
3761 0 447 if ($v1 =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
3768 39 549 if (not defined $v1 and defined $v2 and $op eq 'new') { }
102 447 elsif (not defined $v1 and defined $v2) { }
49 398 elsif (defined $v1 and is_strval($op1) and not defined $v2) { }
384 14 elsif (defined $v1 and defined $v2) { }
3769 39 0 if ($v2 =~ /^#call\d+$/)
3781 34 1 if (defined $class and exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$name})
3785 0 34 if $ctx->{'log'}
3790 1 33 if ($arg_changed)
3791 0 1 $args->[$_] =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/ ? :
3797 0 34 if $ctx->{'log'}
3808 26 33 if ($m =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
3810 26 0 if (defined $f and is_symbol($f))
3814 0 26 if $ctx->{'log'}
3823 30 4 unless (defined $f)
3827 2 28 if (defined $f)
3828 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
3832 6 28 if (defined $f)
3839 5 0 unless ($ctx->{'incall'})
3840 5 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
3841 0 5 if ($arg_changed)
3842 0 0 $args->[$_] =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/ ? :
3844 0 0 if ($v2 ne $c2)
3846 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
3856 48 54 if ($op eq '$') { }
19 35 elsif ($op eq '--' || $op eq '++' and is_variable($v2)) { }
3858 42 6 if (defined $var1)
3861 6 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'expr'})
3862 5 1 if (is_variable($op2) and $v2 ne $op2)
3866 0 5 if $ctx->{'log'}
3874 18 1 if (is_strval($op2)) { }
3877 18 0 if (defined $val)
3878 0 18 if $ctx->{'log'}
3890 21 14 if (is_strval($op2) or is_array($op2))
3892 21 0 if (defined $k) { }
3893 0 21 if $ctx->{'log'}
3900 16 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'expr'})
3901 0 16 if (is_instvar($op2))
3904 8 8 if ($v2 ne $op2)
3908 0 8 if $ctx->{'log'}
3916 49 0 if (is_strval($op1)) { }
3918 49 0 if (defined $val)
3919 0 49 if $ctx->{'log'}
3927 27 22 if (defined $res and not $res =~ /^#expr\d+$/)
3938 0 384 if ($v1 =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
3942 13 319 if (not $in_block and $op eq '||' || $op eq 'or' || $op eq '&&' || $op eq 'and' || $op eq '?' || $op eq ':')
3943 0 23 if $ctx->{'log'}
3949 254 130 if (is_strval($op1) || is_array($op1) and is_strval($op2) || is_array($op2)) { }
15 115 elsif ($op eq '?') { }
0 115 elsif ($op eq '===' and $op1 eq '#null') { }
0 115 elsif ($op eq '===' and $op2 eq '#null') { }
0 115 elsif ($op eq '==' and $op1 eq '#null') { }
1 223 elsif ($op eq '==' and $op2 eq '#null') { }
3950 242 12 if ($op ne "?" and $op ne ":")
3952 241 1 if (defined $k) { }
3953 0 241 if $ctx->{'log'}
3960 7 0 if (is_strval($op1) || is_array($op1) and $op2 =~ /^#expr\d+$/ and $parser->{'strmap'}{$op2}[0] eq ":")
3965 0 7 if (is_array($op1))
3970 5 2 if ($val) { }
3979 0 0 if (defined $k)
3984 0 0 if (defined $k)
3989 0 0 if (defined $k)
3994 0 1 if (defined $k)
3999 136 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'expr'})
4000 0 136 if (is_instvar($op1))
4003 0 136 if (is_instvar($op2))
4006 40 96 if ($v1 ne $op1 or $v2 ne $op2)
4010 0 40 if $ctx->{'log'}
4021 26 707 if (is_variable($name) or $name =~ /^#elem\d+$/ or $name =~ /^#expr\d+$/ or $name =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ or is_block($name)) { }
28 679 elsif ($name =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
24 655 elsif ($name =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
2 653 elsif ($name =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
635 18 elsif (is_symbol($name)) { }
4023 8 18 if ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
16 2 elsif (not is_null($s)) { }
4027 13 3 if (is_strval($s)) { }
4034 0 26 if $ctx->{'log'}
4037 18 10 if (defined $inst)
4038 18 0 if (is_symbol($prop)) { }
4042 0 0 if ($m ne $prop)
4044 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4048 0 28 if $ctx->{'log'}
4051 21 3 if (defined $scope)
4052 21 0 if (is_symbol($val))
4057 0 24 if $ctx->{'log'}
4060 2 0 if (defined $ns)
4064 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
4073 11 722 if $cmd =~ /^#fun\d+$/
4074 722 11 unless (defined $fun)
4077 198 524 if (defined $fun)
4081 209 524 if (defined $fun)
4083 4 205 if (defined $cmd1)
4084 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
4094 205 528 if (defined $fun) { }
56 472 elsif (lc $cmd eq 'eval' and scalar @$arglist == 1) { }
4 468 elsif ($cmd eq 'assert' and scalar @$arglist == 1) { }
4095 0 205 if (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'call'}) { }
4101 0 205 if (exists $ctx->{'with'}{'translate'})
4103 0 0 if (defined $perl)
4104 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4106 0 0 if ($@) { }
4109 0 0 if (scalar @$args == 1 and is_strval($args->[0]))
4112 0 0 if ($@) { }
4115 0 0 defined $res ? :
0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4116 0 0 if (defined $res)
4118 0 0 if ($res =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { }
4130 205 0 unless (defined $key)
4133 5 200 unless (defined $key)
4134 0 5 defined $code ? :
4136 0 5 if (keys %{$$info{'unresolved'};}) { }
4137 0 5 defined $code ? :
4141 0 0 defined $code ? :
4144 205 0 if (defined $key) { }
4147 181 24 if (defined $code)
4148 169 12 if (is_block($code)) { }
4155 199 6 if ($key ne "#construct")
4157 56 143 if ($cmd ne $name)
4160 6 50 if ($cmd =~ /^#fun\d+$/ and is_variable($name)) { }
0 50 elsif (is_instvar($cmd)) { }
4176 173 26 if (defined $code and not $in_block) { }
4179 13 13 if ($name_changed or $arg_changed) { }
4180 0 8 $args->[$_] =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/ ? :
4186 7 192 if ($key eq '#notaint') { }
4 188 elsif ($in_block) { }
4189 0 4 if (is_strval($key) || is_array($key) || _anon_func_call($parser, $key) and defined $code and $parser->is_empty_block($code)) { }
4191 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4201 62 126 if ($key eq "#noreturn")
4206 6 199 if ($key eq "#construct")
4210 6 0 if (defined $methodname)
4213 6 0 unless ($f = _anon_func_call($parser, $code))
4220 0 0 defined $code ? :
0 205 if $ctx->{'log'}
4242 48 8 if (defined $blk)
4247 48 8 if (defined $key)
4252 0 48 if $ctx->{'log'}
4254 13 35 if (is_block($key)) { }
4264 3 45 if (defined $r)
4268 0 3 if ($r ne $r2)
4271 1 2 if (scalar @seq > 0) { }
4276 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4278 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
4288 0 45 if (not $resolved_eval and scalar @seq == 1)
4290 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4294 45 0 if ($key ne "#null")
4297 0 45 if $ctx->{'log'}
4303 8 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'call'})
4304 3 5 if ($args->[0] =~ /^#call\d+$/)
4308 1 2 unless (PHP::Decode::Func::func_may_return_string($name))
4311 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4321 4 0 if (is_strval($key))
4327 1 467 if ($cmd =~ /^\\(.*)$/)
4332 24 444 if (defined $f and exists $f->{'param'}) { }
4338 187 281 if (defined $key)
4339 0 187 if $ctx->{'log'}
4341 3 184 if ($key eq "#noreturn")
4343 0 3 if ($name ne $cmdsim or $arg_changed)
4344 0 0 $args->[$_] =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/ ? :
4346 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4351 55 226 if (defined $f) { }
4352 2 53 if (exists $f->{'param'})
4358 229 52 if (PHP::Decode::Func::func_may_call_callbacks($cmd))
4364 288 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'call'})
4365 0 288 if (is_instvar($cmdsim))
4368 2 159 $args->[$_] =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/ ? :
4370 69 219 if ($name ne $cmdsim or $arg_changed)
4385 2018 120 if ($type ne "brace" and $type ne "expr")
4387 810 1208 if (defined $rhs or _is_increment_op($parser, $p))
4388 0 810 if $ctx->{'log'}
4392 810 1328 $keep_assign ? :
4393 0 2138 unless (defined $v)
4400 2018 120 if ($type ne 'brace' and $type ne 'expr') { }
4402 141 1877 if ($v1 ne $v) { }
4403 0 141 if (exists $ctx->{'with'}{'optimize_block_vars'}) { }
4417 1027 1111 if ($p ne $v)
4421 256 1882 if (defined $f)
4422 9 247 if (scalar @args < scalar @$arglist)
4430 92 482 if (scalar @args == 1 and is_strval($args[0]) || $args[0] =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
4431 0 92 if $ctx->{'log'}
4434 743 464 if ($changed)
4441 184 526 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 526 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
10 516 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
15 501 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
9 492 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
254 238 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
5 233 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
2 231 elsif ($cmd eq 'break') { }
0 231 elsif ($cmd eq 'continue') { }
10 221 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 221 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
150 71 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
10 61 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
7 54 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
23 31 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
19 12 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
9 3 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
4448 107 86 if (not is_strval($p) or is_const($p)) { }
4451 88 19 if ($v ne $p)
4454 31 76 unless (is_strval($v))
4463 4 189 is_const($arglist->[$_]) && !$parser->is_magic_const($arglist->[$_]) && !exists($ctx->{'defines'}{$parser->{'strmap'}{$arglist->[$_]}}) ? :
4470 4 180 if ($all_str and scalar @param > 1)
4476 119 65 unless ($ctx->{'skipundef'})
4477 117 2 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'})
4478 1 116 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'}{'ob'}) { }
4485 184 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
4486 84 100 if ($changed)
4487 5 79 if (scalar @paramsim > 1)
4491 0 84 if $ctx->{'log'}
4500 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'skipundef'})
4501 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'} and exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'})
4502 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'globals'}{'stdout'}{'ob'}) { }
4509 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
4510 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
4512 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4522 10 0 if (is_variable($v))
4523 0 10 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($v)) { }
4524 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4527 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
4537 10 5 if (is_variable($v)) { }
5 0 elsif ($v =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
4538 0 10 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($v)) { }
4539 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4541 3 7 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
7 0 elsif (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
4542 1 2 unless (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$v})
4544 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4547 7 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$ctx->{'class_scope'}}{$v})
4549 0 7 if $ctx->{'log'}
4552 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4557 5 0 if ($op eq '=') { }
4558 0 5 if ($ctx->is_superglobal($v1)) { }
4559 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4561 3 2 if ($ctx->{'infunction'}) { }
2 0 elsif (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'}) { }
4562 1 2 unless (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'static'}{$ctx->{'infunction'}}{$v1})
4564 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4567 2 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{'inst'}{$ctx->{'class_scope'}}{$v1})
4569 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
4572 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4588 9 0 if ($v =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
4591 9 0 if ($op eq '=') { }
4592 0 9 do { $ctx->{'infunction'} } ? :
9 0 is_const($v1) ? :
4593 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4595 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4600 4 5 if (exists $ctx->{'class_scope'})
4603 4 5 if ($ctx->{'namespace'})
4607 0 9 if $ctx->{'log'}
4620 107 147 if (defined $res and $arg ne $res)
4634 1 4 if (is_variable($p)) { }
4 0 elsif ($p =~ /^(\#elem\d+)$/) { }
4635 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$p}) { }
4636 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4638 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4648 4 0 if (defined $basevar)
4649 3 1 if ($has_index) { }
4651 2 1 if (defined $basestr and is_array($basestr) and defined $idxstr) { }
4653 0 2 if is_null($idxstr)
4655 2 0 if (defined $arrval)
4657 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
4663 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4666 0 1 if (exists $ctx->{'varmap'}{$basevar}) { }
4667 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4669 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4682 1 2 if ($v ne $p)
4690 5 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
4691 2 3 if ($changed)
4693 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
4707 2 8 if (defined $block)
4709 1 1 if ($block1 ne $block)
4721 0 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
4722 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
4724 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4738 0 0 defined $cond ? :
0 150 if $ctx->{'log'}
4739 48 102 if (defined $cond and is_strval($cond) || is_array($cond))
4743 1 47 if (is_array($cond))
4747 25 23 if ($val) { }
11 12 elsif (defined $else) { }
4760 4 44 if defined $fin
4762 4 44 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
32 12 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
4775 44 58 if ($expr ne $cond)
4789 14 88 if (defined $else)
4794 14 88 if (defined $else)
4797 0 102 if (is_instvar($cond))
4800 28 30 if ($cond ne $expr or $then ne $then1 or defined $else and $else ne $else1)
4804 2 70 if ($then ne $then1 and not is_block($then1))
4807 0 10 if (defined $else and $else ne $else1 and not is_block($else1))
4811 0 72 if $ctx->{'log'}
4814 8 94 if (defined $fin)
4818 8 0 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
4832 10 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'loop'})
4842 6 4 if ($i == 0 and is_strval($cond) || is_array($cond))
4846 1 5 if (is_array($cond))
4850 0 6 unless ($val)
4856 0 18 if $ctx->{'log'}
4857 14 4 if (is_strval($cond) or is_array($cond)) { }
4 0 elsif ($i == 0) { }
4859 2 12 if (is_array($cond))
4863 3 11 unless ($val)
4865 0 3 unless (defined $res)
4866 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
4883 0 11 unless (defined $res)
4891 2 0 if (defined $u or defined $f and !defined($r) || $f ne $r)
4892 2 0 defined $f ? :
4896 0 9 if $ctx->{'log'}
4897 1 8 if (defined $r)
4898 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
4904 0 8 if (defined $fin)
4910 0 8 if ($i >= $ctx->{'max_loop_while'})
4914 0 8 if (loop_level($parser) > 1 and loop_val($parser, $i) >= 2 * $ctx->{'max_loop'})
4918 0 8 if ($i >= $ctx->{'max_loop_const'} and is_strval($expr))
4927 4 6 if (defined $res)
4931 1 3 if (defined $fin)
4936 2 2 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
2 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
4941 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
4946 6 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
4947 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
4969 0 6 if (is_instvar($expr0))
4972 0 6 if ($expr ne $expr0 or $block ne $block0)
4988 7 0 if (defined $res)
4993 7 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'loop'})
5000 0 11 if $ctx->{'log'}
5001 10 1 if (is_strval($cond) or is_array($cond)) { }
1 0 elsif ($i == 0) { }
5003 0 10 if (is_array($cond))
5007 6 4 unless ($val)
5022 0 4 unless (defined $res)
5030 0 0 if (defined $u or defined $f and !defined($r) || $f ne $r)
5031 0 0 defined $f ? :
5035 0 4 if $ctx->{'log'}
5036 0 4 if (defined $r)
5037 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
5043 0 4 if (defined $fin)
5049 0 4 if ($i >= $ctx->{'max_loop'})
5053 0 4 if (loop_level($parser) > 1 and loop_val($parser, $i) >= 2 * $ctx->{'max_loop'})
5057 0 4 if ($i >= $ctx->{'max_loop_const'} and is_strval($expr))
5066 6 1 if (defined $res)
5070 1 5 if (defined $fin)
5075 2 4 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
4 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
5080 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
5084 1 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
5085 0 1 if $ctx->{'log'}
5107 0 1 if (is_instvar($expr0))
5110 0 1 if ($expr ne $expr0 or $block ne $block0)
5124 23 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'loop'})
5140 0 53 if $ctx->{'log'}
5141 2 51 if ($parser->is_empty_block($cond))
5144 48 5 if (is_strval($cond) or is_array($cond)) { }
5 0 elsif ($i == 0) { }
5146 0 48 if (is_array($cond))
5150 15 33 unless ($val)
5152 3 12 unless (defined $res)
5153 0 3 if $ctx->{'log'}
5168 0 33 unless (defined $res)
5176 3 0 if (defined $u or defined $f and !defined($r) || $f ne $r)
5177 0 3 defined $f ? :
5181 0 30 if $ctx->{'log'}
5182 0 30 if (defined $r)
5183 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
5191 0 30 if (defined $fin)
5198 0 30 if $ctx->{'log'}
5200 0 30 if ($i >= $ctx->{'max_loop'})
5204 0 30 if (loop_level($parser) > 1 and loop_val($parser, $i) >= 2 * $ctx->{'max_loop'})
5212 15 8 if (defined $res)
5216 14 1 if (defined $fin)
5223 14 1 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
1 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
5228 0 15 if $ctx->{'log'}
5233 8 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
5234 0 8 if $ctx->{'log'}
5243 0 8 if ($pre ne $pre0)
5265 0 8 if (is_instvar($expr0))
5268 1 7 if ($pre ne $pre0 or $expr ne $expr0 or $post ne $post0 or $block ne $block0)
5285 13 6 if (defined $key)
5287 13 0 defined $_basevar2 ? :
5290 19 0 defined $_basevar ? :
5293 19 0 unless (exists $ctx->{'skip'}{'loop'})
5300 11 8 if (is_array($expr0)) { }
5307 0 11 if (scalar @$keys == 0 and not $ctx->{'tainted'})
5308 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
5312 17 0 if (defined $key and defined $keyvar and is_variable($keyvar))
5313 17 0 if (is_int_index($k)) { }
5320 23 0 if (defined $valvar and is_variable($valvar))
5325 0 23 unless (defined $res)
5333 2 0 if (defined $u or defined $f and !defined($r) || $f ne $r)
5334 2 0 defined $f ? :
5338 0 21 if (defined $r)
5339 0 0 if $ctx->{'log'}
5345 0 21 if (defined $fin)
5353 9 8 if (defined $key and defined $keyvar and $keyvar ne $key)
5355 9 0 defined $_basevar2 ? :
5357 11 10 if (defined $valvar and $valvar ne $value)
5359 11 0 defined $_basevar ? :
5364 0 8 if $ctx->{'log'}
5368 9 10 if (defined $res)
5372 0 9 if (defined $fin)
5379 6 3 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
3 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
5384 0 9 if $ctx->{'log'}
5389 10 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
5390 0 10 if $ctx->{'log'}
5399 4 6 if ($expr ne $expr0)
5413 0 1 if ($expr ne $expr0 or $block ne $block0 or defined $valvar and $value ne $valvar or defined $key and defined $keyvar and $key ne $keyvar)
5417 0 8 if $ctx->{'log'}
5430 3 6 if (is_strval($op1))
5434 0 3 if defined $fin
5440 5 0 if (defined $c)
5442 5 0 if (is_strval($op2)) { }
5444 3 2 if (defined $result and $result)
5455 0 3 unless (defined $found)
5461 0 0 unless (defined $c)
5467 3 0 if (defined $found and $found >= 0)
5472 0 4 unless (defined $res)
5477 1 3 if (defined $f)
5482 1 3 if (defined $f)
5489 0 3 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
3 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
5500 6 0 if (exists $ctx->{'simplify'}{'stmt'})
5501 0 6 if $ctx->{'log'}
5508 0 6 if ($expr ne $op1)
5529 8 0 if (defined $c)
5534 2 6 if (defined $c0 and $c0 ne $c or $b0 ne $b)
5543 2 4 if ($expr ne $op1 or $changed)
5545 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
5549 0 4 if (defined $fin)
5553 0 0 if (scalar @seq > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @seq > 0) { }
5569 47 169 exists $ctx->{'class_scope'} ? :
216 26 defined $f ? :
5574 106 136 if (scalar @$a > 0)
5576 107 4 if (is_variable($v)) { }
2 2 elsif ($v =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
2 0 elsif ($v =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
5580 2 0 if ($op eq "=" and is_variable($v1))
5585 2 0 if (is_variable($r))
5593 2 240 unless (is_block($b2))
5602 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
5605 70 172 if ($b2 ne $b)
5607 69 1 if (defined $f)
5612 18 154 if (defined $f and not $ctx->getfun($f))
5615 0 18 if $ctx->{'log'}
5621 56 0 defined $c ? :
5631 47 47 if ($a =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
9 38 elsif ($a =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
13 25 elsif ($a =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
5636 16 31 if ($f ne $a)
5642 9 0 if ($op eq "=")
5649 9 4 if ($cmd eq 'static') { }
4 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
5660 13 43 if ($changed)
5666 2 41 if (defined $c and not $ctx->getclass($c))
5667 0 2 if $ctx->{'log'}
5694 0 2 if (scalar keys %{$$ctx{"varhist"};} > 0)
5704 395 2663 if (scalar keys %{$$ctx{"varhist"};} > 0)
5710 0 0 defined $stmt ? :
0 417 if $ctx->{'log'}
5712 305 112 if ($ctx->{'varhist'}{$v}[0] ne "#unresolved")
5714 218 87 if ($v =~ /^\$eval\$/) { }
5718 157 61 if (is_block($e)) { }
5731 193 202 if (scalar @ass > 0 or scalar @blk > 0)
5732 165 28 if (defined $stmt)