Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 80 172 46.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
178 4 1 30 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
207 10 1 8 is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
8 1 2 is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
8 0 1 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2)
8 1 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2) and not is_null($val2)
1 8 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
9 0 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2) and not is_null($val1)
8 0 1 is_numval($val1) and not is_numval($val2)
0 8 0 not is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
227 4 2 39 is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
6 0 0 is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
6 0 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2)
6 0 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2) and not is_null($val2)
0 5 1 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
5 0 1 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2) and not is_null($val1)
3 0 2 is_numval($val1) and not is_numval($val2)
0 0 3 not is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
246 0 1 11 is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
1 0 0 is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
1 0 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2)
1 0 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2) and not is_null($val2)
0 1 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
1 0 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2) and not is_null($val1)
0 0 1 is_numval($val1) and not is_numval($val2)
0 0 0 not is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
265 3 0 1 is_null($val1) and is_null($val2)
2 1 0 is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
2 0 1 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2)
2 1 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2) and not is_null($val2)
1 2 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
3 0 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2) and not is_null($val1)
0 0 1 is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
283 6 0 0 is_null($val1) and is_null($val2)
6 0 0 is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
6 0 0 is_array($val1) and not is_array($val2)
0 6 0 not is_array($val1) and is_array($val2)
3 0 3 is_numval($val1) and is_numval($val2)
303 0 0 0 $s1 && $s2
307 0 0 0 $s1 && $s2
318 3 0 0 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
325 0 0 1 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
332 2 0 0 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
339 0 0 2 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
346 0 0 1 is_numval_or_null($val1) and is_numval_or_null($val2)
406 0 0 3 is_array($a) and is_array($b)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
107 0 1 250 $val1 =~ /^#const\d+$/ or $val2 =~ /^#const\d+$/
177 18 1 191 $op eq "==" or $op eq "!="
45 0 146 $op eq "<" or $op eq ">="
4 8 134 $op eq ">" or $op eq "<="
4 0 130 $op eq "===" or $op eq "!=="
265 0 2 1 is_null($val1) or is_null($val2)
283 0 0 6 is_null($val1) or is_null($val2)
292 0 0 0 $s1 eq "" or $s2 eq ""
305 0 0 0 $s1 || $s2
309 0 0 0 $s1 || $s2
387 98 0 0 is_int_index($k) or is_strval($k)

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
311 0 0 0 0 $s1 xor $s2