Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 72 43.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
646 0 93 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
906 0 8 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
1242 0 25 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
1718 0 6 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2208 0 5 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
676 4 100 1 $coeff->getndims == 1 and $y->getndims > 1
894 1 3 0 ref $ivs_raw[0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$ivs_raw[0];} != $y->nelem
897 3 7 0 ref $_ eq 'PDL' and $_->squeeze->ndims > 1
908 0 1 3 $opt{'IVNM'} and @{$opt{'IVNM'};}
926 1 2 1 $opt{'V'} and $y->nelem < $pdl_ivs_raw[0]->nelem
999 0 0 0 ref $ivs_ref->[0][0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$ivs_ref->[0][0];} != $n
1232 0 18 0 ref $_ eq 'PDL' and $_->squeeze->ndims > 1
1244 0 1 7 $opt{'IVNM'} and @{$opt{'IVNM'};}
1444 18 4 2 not @wn and $_ > $ie_subj
1877 0 1 2 ref $_ eq 'PDL' && $_->ndims > 1
2036 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2296 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2376 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2491 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2563 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}
2646 0 0 0 $opt and $opt{uc $_} = $opt->{$_}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1095 0 0 16 $num == 0 or $num > @$arr
1104 16 16 48 $i < 0 or $pick[$i]++ < @$arr - $num + $i
1815 3 0 5 $y->check_badflag or $ivs->check_badflag