Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 34 44.1

line true false branch
100 0 0 if $#_ < 0 or $#_ > 1
104 0 0 if ($#_ >= 0) { }
108 0 0 if @Dims < 2 or $Dims[0] != 3 or $image->get_datatype != $PDL::ImageRGB::PDL_B
142 0 1 if ($lut->dims)[0] != 3
144 0 1 if ($lut->fflows) { }
176 0 1 if $#_ < 0
178 0 1 if ($im->dims)[0] != 3
215 0 3 if $#_ < 0
218 3 0 if $#_ > -1
219 2 1 if ($top < 0)
220 0 3 if $top > 255
222 0 3 if $PDL::debug
226 1 2 if $min >= 0 and $max <= $top and not $force
229 0 2 if ($max - $min < $PDL::ImageRGB::EPS)
230 0 0 if $PDL::debug
231 0 0 if abs $max < $PDL::ImageRGB::EPS or $max >= 0 and $max <= $top
236 1 1 $pdl->get_datatype > $PDL::ImageRGB::PDL_F ? :