Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 59 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
254 0 0 0 @$list and ref $$list[-1]
272 0 0 0 @$list and ref $$list[-1]
279 0 0 0 @$list and not ref $$list[-1]
289 0 0 0 @$list and ref $$list[-1]
355 0 0 0 @$mut and exists $$mut[0][0]{-'indent'}
444 0 0 0 exists $opts{-'max_lines'} and @$lines >= $opts{-'max_lines'}
498 0 0 0 @$lines and $add_p_end
662 0 0 0 @$y_values and @$lines
703 0 0 0 @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
151 0 0 shift @_ || 1
152 0 0 shift @_ || 0
177 0 0 shift @_ || 0
356 0 0 $$mut[0][0]{-'indent'} || 0
493 0 0 $word =~ /$opts{-'two_spaces'}/ || 0
521 0 0 $$lines[0]{-'segments'}[0]{-'indent'} || 0
558 0 0 shift @_ || 0
709 0 0 $opts{-'spacing'} || 1
710 0 0 $opts{-'spacing'} || 1
716 0 0 $opts{-'justify_word'} || 0
0 0 $opts{-'justify_char'} || 0
0 0 $opts{-'justify_scale'} || 0
723 0 0 $opts{-'spacing'} || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
715 0 0 0 $opts{-'justify_word'} or $opts{-'justify_char'}
0 0 0 $opts{-'justify_word'} or $opts{-'justify_char'} or $opts{-'justify_scale'}