Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 27 77.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 33 37 0 $+{'open_bracket'} eq "<" and $+{'close_bracket'} eq "]"
37 33 0 $+{'open_bracket'} eq "[" and $+{'close_bracket'} eq ">"
133 56 13 1 not $opts->{'allow_event_duration'} and $+{'event_duration'}
135 56 12 1 not $opts->{'allow_repeater'} and $+{'repeater'}
140 65 0 3 $+{'event_duration'} and not defined $self->event_duration
161 55 0 12 $+{'repeater'} and not $self->recurrence

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
88 14 56 $opts //= {}
89 14 56 $opts->{'allow_event_duration'} //= 1
90 14 56 $opts->{'allow_repeater'} //= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
131 0 0 70 $+{'open_bracket'} eq "<" and $+{'close_bracket'} eq "]" or $+{'open_bracket'} eq "[" and $+{'close_bracket'} eq ">"