Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 32 93.7

line true false branch
130 112 1 $data =~ /^3\.1\.[0-9]+(-.+)?$/u ? :
135 5 111 unless ($top_result)
155 1 110 if (@{$check_metaschema_state->{'errors'}})
173 200 0 if $schema->{'$dynamicRef'} eq "#meta"
178 473 3926 if $entity and $reffable_entities->check($entity)
182 24 4375 if $schema->{'$ref'} eq "#/\$defs/operation" and defined $data->{'operationId'}
190 6 104 unless ($result)
201 2 95 if (my $first_path = $seen_path{$normalized})
211 1 103 if @{$state->{'errors'}}
216 46 152 if &any(sub {
224 6 18 if (my $existing = $self->get_operationId_path($operation_id)) { }
249 4 1 if $x >= -$bound
255 4 1 if $x >= -$bound
266 232 464 if $uri =~ /schema(-base)?$/u
272 36 116 unless XXX and keys %$schema
282 0 116 if @{$subschema_state->{'errors'}}