Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 56 78.5

line true false branch
562 1183 238 unless exists $special_source{$n}
567 949 3 unless exists $special_target{$n}
575 2 35 if ($exclude)
578 0 4 if $nowarn_nomethod
582 21 16 &reftype($obj) ? :
4 33 if (&reftype($obj) ? !defined(&blessed($obj)) && 'GLOB' eq &reftype($obj) : 'GLOB' eq &reftype(\$obj))
585 0 4 unless (defined $obj)
592 2 35 unless ($can_methods)
593 0 1 defined &blessed($obj) ? :
0 0 !$obj ? :
1 0 !length($obj) ? :
0 1 !defined($obj) ? :
1 1 &reftype($obj) ? :
601 2 12 if (not &reftype($obj) and do { no strict 'refs'; not %{$obj . '::';} })
607 0 35 if $debug
611 954 88 if (not $exclude{$m} || $r{$m} and $obj->can($m) and not special_source($m) and $underscore || !($m =~ /\A_/))
628 30 123 defined $x ? :
633 3 51 if (@_ <= 1)
636 0 51 unless 0 == @opt % 2
641 0 51 if %opt
644 10 41 $deref ? :
646 2 49 if $exclude_import
649 0 51 if ($debug)
651 14 37 if ($methl) { }
659 967 4 if (not $exclude_import{$funn} and $methl || !(special_target($funn) || exists &{$expkgns . $funn;}))
668 2 965 if ($nowarn_redefine) { }
678 0 51 if ($debug)
679 13 38 if ($savename)