Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 69 138 50.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
518 1 5 not $self->is_temporary || $error->fatal and scalar %changed_prop

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
151 0 19 2 not $error->fatal and $history
223 2 0 0 defined $arg{'page'} && int $arg{'page'}
224 2 0 0 defined $arg{'pagesize'} && int $arg{'pagesize'}
496 2 0 4 %changed_prop and not $error->fatal
538 0 0 5 $history and not $error->fatal
542 0 0 5 $history and not $error->fatal
646 13 0 3 $prop && $class->_prop2table($prop)
648 9 7 0 exists $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'} and !defined($prop) || defined $prop_table && $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table} && (!(ref $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table} eq 'HASH') || $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table}{$prop})
675 0 0 7 $data && $data->next_row
711 13 1 2 $new_class and $new_class ne $class
887 29 19 23 $pclass and $class->_class_hier->{$pclass}
928 0 0 0 $class->base_class and $class->base_class->_has_rev_ref($rev_class, $rev_prop)
0 0 0 $rev_class->base_class and $class->_has_rev_ref($rev_class->base_class, $rev_prop)
960 1 0 0 defined $arg{'page'} && int $arg{'page'}
961 1 0 0 defined $arg{'pagesize'} && int $arg{'pagesize'}
984 0 0 2 $arg{'data'}{$name}->_prop_ref_class and $preload{$name}
1018 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($data{$name}, 'ORM::Metaprop') and $data{$name}->_prop_class
1049 0 0 1 $res and not $error->fatal
1126 25 0 0 $prop eq 'class' and $class->_is_sealed
1312 0 0 0 $arg{'error'} and $arg{'error'}->fatal
1585 0 8 2 $class->_history_class and $arg{'derived_class'} eq $class->_history_class
1611 4 3 2 $class->_class_is_primary($arg{'derived_class'}) and not exists $$struct{'class'}
1713 25 3 3 $pclass and not $class->_class_hier->{$pclass}
1736 25 3 3 $pclass and $class->_class_hier->{$pclass}
28 1 2 $pclass and $class->_class_hier->{$pclass} and not $pclass->_class_info->{'REV_REFS'}{$key}
1746 25 3 3 $pclass and not $class->_class_hier->{$pclass}
1769 0 0 28 defined $val1 and defined $val2
0 18 10 defined $val1 and defined $val2 and $val1 ne $val2
1846 0 0 0 exists $_[0]->_class_hier->{'PRIMARY_CLASS'} and $_[0]->_cache

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
137 0 0 21 $arg{'temporary'} or $error->fatal
145 0 0 21 $error->fatal or $$self{'_ORM_data'}{'id'}
230 0 0 2 wantarray or $arg{'return_ref'}
0 0 2 wantarray or $arg{'return_ref'} or $arg{'return_res'}
236 0 1 1 $class->_is_sealed or $lazy_load
1 0 1 $class->_is_sealed or $lazy_load or $arg{'return_res'}
251 0 0 1 $arg{'return_res'} or $error->fatal
328 0 0 1 ref $self eq 'ORM::Broken' or $error->fatal
518 0 1 5 $self->is_temporary || $error->fatal
648 4 0 3 !defined($prop) || defined $prop_table && $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table} && (!(ref $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table} eq 'HASH') || $$self{'_ORM_missing_tables'}{$prop_table}{$prop})
761 27 0 1333 ref $_[0] || $_[0]
772 14 7 0 ref $self || $self
928 0 0 0 $class->_class_info->{'REV_REFS'}{$rev_class . ' ' . $rev_prop} or $rev_class->base_class and $class->_has_rev_ref($rev_class->base_class, $rev_prop)
1549 0 5 0 $arg{'cache_size'} || $class->_default_cache_size
1574 0 10 0 $arg{'table'} || $class->_guess_table_name($arg{'derived_class'})

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1769 28 2 1 0 defined $val1 xor defined $val2