Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 100 0.0

line true false branch
33 0 0 unless $self->SUPER::init($args)
35 0 0 unless my $name = $$self{'OP_package'} = delete $$args{'package'}
38 0 0 unless $$self{'OP_source'} = delete $$args{'source'}
41 0 0 unless $$self{'OP_version'} = delete $$args{'version'}
44 0 0 unless $$self{'OP_distr'} = delete $$args{'distribution'}
47 0 0 unless $$self{'OP_parser'} = delete $$args{'parser'}
88 0 0 unless $it
90 0 0 unless ref $it
93 0 0 unless $it->isa('OODoc::Text::Chapter')
97 0 0 if (my $old = $$self{'OP_chapter_hash'}{$name})
112 0 0 if (@_)
122 0 0 if defined $$self{'OP_name'}
124 0 0 unless my $chapter = $self->chapter('NAME')
129 0 0 unless $text =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*\-\s/
146 0 0 defined $package ? :
151 0 0 if defined $sub
169 0 0 $args{'select'} ? :
172 0 0 unless @select
195 0 0 @_ ? :
218 0 0 $self->package eq $name ? :
243 0 0 if $self->isPurePod
254 0 0 if $name->can('willRealize')
262 0 0 if $$self{'OP_is_expanded'}
331 0 0 if (my $extended = $extended{$name}) { }
335 0 0 unless ($used{$name}++)
348 0 0 if $used{$name}
373 0 0 defined $args{'this'} ? :
374 0 0 defined $args{'super'} ? :
375 0 0 unless my $container = $args{'container'}
384 0 0 unless (first sub { &$equal($take, $_); } , @this)
385 0 0 unless @joined and $joined[-1]->path eq $take->path
395 0 0 if &$equal($take, $insert)
397 0 0 if (first sub { &$equal($insert, $_); } , @super)
403 0 0 unless @joined and $joined[-1]->path eq $insert->path
416 0 0 unless my $inherit = $thing->extends
423 0 0 if $path1 eq $path2
425 0 0 if $lpath1 < $lpath2 and substr($path2, 0, $lpath1 + 1) eq "$path1/"
428 0 0 if $lpath2 < $lpath1 and substr($path1, 0, $lpath2 + 1) eq "$path2/"
431 0 0 if $self eq $thing->manual
443 0 0 if ($self->name ne $self->package)
452 0 0 if (my $realized = $self->realizes)
454 0 0 if ref $realized
457 0 0 if (my(@extras) = $self->extraCode)
467 0 0 if (my(@subclasses) = $self->subClasses)
472 0 0 if (my(@realized) = $self->realizers)
477 0 0 if $output and $output =~ /\S/
490 0 0 unless ref $package
493 0 0 if (my $realizes = $package->realizes)
498 0 0 unless my(@supers) = $package->superClasses
522 0 0 $manual eq $package ? :