Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 34 70.5

line true false branch
39 3128 17872 if ($_[1]) { }
0 17872 elsif (not defined $_[0]{'DB'} && defined $_[0]{'ACC'}) { }
40 3128 0 if ($_[1] =~ m<([\*\.\w-]*):([ ,;'\#~\w:\\\+\?\{\}\$/\(\)\[\]\.=&!%_-]*)> or $_[1] =~ m[(http)://(.*)])
65 1 3225 if ($_[1]) { }
0 3225 elsif (not defined $_[0]{'DB'}) { }
84 1 3225 if ($_[1]) { }
0 3225 elsif (not defined $_[0]{'ACC'}) { }
103 30 294 if ($_[1]) { }
0 294 elsif (not defined $_[0]{'DB'} && defined $_[0]{'ACC'}) { }
122 9 290 if ($_[1]) { }
0 290 elsif (not defined $_[0]{'DB'} && defined $_[0]{'ACC'}) { }
141 0 9826 unless defined $_[0]{'DB'} and defined $_[0]{'ACC'}
143 210 9616 if defined $_[0]{'DESCRIPTION'} and $_[0]{'DESCRIPTION'} ne ''
144 44 9782 if defined $_[0]{'MODIFIER'} and $_[0]{'MODIFIER'} ne ''
158 8 0 if ($_[1] and eval { do { $_[1]->isa('OBO::Core::Dbxref') } }) { }
160 0 8 unless (defined $_[0]{'DB'} and defined $_[0]{'ACC'})
163 0 8 unless (defined $_[1]{'DB'} and defined $_[1]{'ACC'})