Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 24 100.0

line true false branch
14 10 29 unless $macaddr =~ /\A [\d a-f]{12} \Z/imsx
21 1 7 if ref $macaddr eq 'NetObj::MacAddress'
34 1 44 unless defined $mac
36 5 39 if ($mac eq 'binary')
38 1 4 if (length $mac == 6)
43 1 4 if (ref $mac eq 'HASH' and exists $mac->{'binary'} and length $mac->{'binary'} == 6)
46 1 37 if @args
48 2 35 if ref $mac eq 'NetObj::MacAddress'
50 32 3 unless length $mac == 6
51 7 28 unless $mac
68 10 39 unless (exists $formatter->{$format})
71 9 1 if (defined &$sub) { }