Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 68 42.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
241 0 2 2 $parms and ref $parms eq 'HASH'
244 0 3 1 defined $path and ref $path
247 4 1 0 @args == 2 and not $parms
263 0 0 0 $self->isconnecting and not $self->blocking
281 1 1 0 @_ == 3 and !ref($parms) || ref $path
284 2 0 0 @_ == 2 and ref $path
646 2 0 0 @_ == 3 and !ref($parms) || ref $path
650 2 0 0 @_ == 2 and ref $path

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
113 0 0 $fam ||= 1
249 2 3 $parms ||= {}
289 1 1 $parms ||= {}
655 0 2 $parms ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
148 5 0 0 $self || $class
239 3 1 1 @args == 1 or @args == 2
247 0 0 5 @args == 2 and not $parms or @args > 2
0 0 5 @args == 2 and not $parms or @args > 2 or not $what
258 0 3 0 $self->isopen or $self->open
260 0 2 0 $self->isbound or $self->bind
263 0 1 0 $self->isconnected or $self->connect
1 0 0 $self->isconnected or $self->connect or $self->isconnecting and not $self->blocking
281 0 0 1 !ref($parms) || ref $path
0 0 2 @_ > 3 or @_ == 3 and !ref($parms) || ref $path
646 0 0 0 !ref($parms) || ref $path
0 0 2 @_ > 3 or @_ == 3 and !ref($parms) || ref $path