Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 62 58.0

line true false branch
11 0 1 unless $args{'domain'} and $args{'domain'} =~ /\.zendesk\.com\z/ and not $args{'domain'} =~ m[/]
14 0 1 if exists $args{'api'} and $args{'api'} != 2
16 0 1 unless $args{'email'}
17 1 0 if ($args{'token'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'password'}) { }
38 0 0 if (%extra)
56 0 0 unless $type and $type eq 'GET' || $type eq 'POST' || $type eq 'PUT' || $type eq 'DELETE'
58 0 0 unless $path and not $path =~ m[\A/api]
59 0 0 unless $params and ref $params eq 'HASH'
62 0 0 $method eq 'post' || $method eq 'put' ? :
76 0 20 if $keyword =~ /\s/
79 15 5 if (ref $value) { }
80 13 2 if (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
2 0 elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
92 0 15 unless exists $tokens{$inner_key}
95 2 13 unless defined $inner_value
97 3 12 if (ref $inner_value) { }
98 0 3 unless ref $inner_value eq 'ARRAY'
99 1 2 if ($inner_key eq 'and') { }
2 0 elsif ($inner_key eq '=' or $inner_key eq 'or') { }
102 0 1 $_ =~ /\s/ ? :
1 1 defined $_ ? :
107 2 2 unless defined $or
108 0 4 if $or =~ /\s/
117 2 10 if $inner_value =~ /\s/
118 1 11 $inner_key eq '!=' ? :
125 1 3 unless defined $or
126 0 4 if $or =~ /\s/
135 1 4 unless defined $value
136 1 4 if $value =~ /\s/
145 0 0 if $self->{'_ua'}