Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 52 88.4

line true false branch
92 1 1146 if ($self->prefix_length > $max)
104 4 778 unless defined $p{'string'}
108 250 82 inet_pton(10, $address) ? :
446 332 $p{'version'} ? :
113 45 733 if ($version == 6 and inet_pton(2, $address))
120 18 760 unless defined $integer
137 38 32 ref $integer ? :
162 3 13556 $self->prefix_length == 0 ? :
179 250 12197 if ($base & $mask) != $base
197 5 279 if $current_ip > $last_ip
248 25 21 if ($thing->isa('Net::Works::Address')) { }
21 0 elsif ($thing->isa('Net::Works::Network')) { }
268 2 32 if $self->prefix_length == $self->bits
291 2 3 shift() || any(sub { /:/; } , $first_ip, $last_ip) ? :
293 5 0 unless ref $first_ip
298 5 0 unless ref $last_ip
385 8 74 if $reserved_last <= $first_ip
386 8 66 if $last_ip < $reserved_first
388 54 12 if $first_ip < $reserved_first
391 5 61 if ($last_ip <= $reserved_last)
399 8 5 if $add_remaining
428 309 17 $version == 6 ? :
431 309 17 $version == 6 ? :
459 30 0 if $self->isa('Net::Works::Network')
0 30 unless blessed $self and blessed $other and eval { do { $other->isa('Net::Works::Network') if $self->isa('Net::Works::Network') } }
466 0 30 shift() ? :