Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 98 160 61.2

line true false branch
54 0 27 unless ref $self
55 0 27 unless $self->{'QUERY'}
79 17 2 if ref $host
96 19 0 if eval { do { $sock = "IO::Socket::INET"->new("PeerAddr", $host, "PeerPort", $port, "Timeout", $timeout); 1 } }
107 0 0 unless $iter == $retries
127 0 0 if $ip =~ /^:[^:]/ or $ip =~ /[^:]:$/
132 0 0 if $seg[0] eq ""
133 0 0 if $seg[-1] eq ""
136 0 0 if ($seg[-1] =~ tr/.//)
137 0 0 unless &is_valid_ipv4(pop @seg)
143 0 0 if ($seg eq "")
146 0 0 if $cmp
150 0 0 if $seg =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F]/
151 0 0 if length $seg == 0 or length $seg > 4
153 0 0 if ($cmp)
167 1 22 unless defined $ip
168 0 22 index($ip, ':') >= 0 ? :
176 2 14 unless $source
177 2 14 unless $source
178 14 0 unless (ref $source)
179 13 1 if ($IANA{$source})
187 0 0 if ref $_ and ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and @{$_;} and ref $_->[0] and ref $_->[0] eq "ARRAY" and @{$_->[0];}
0 0 unless ref $source eq "HASH" and scalar grep({$_->[0][0] if ref $_ and ref $_ eq "ARRAY" and @{$_;} and ref $_->[0] and ref $_->[0] eq "ARRAY" and @{$_->[0];};} values %{$source;} == scalar keys %{$source;})
197 3 16 unless (&is_valid_ip($param{'-ip'}))
209 1 15 if ($set_source == 1) { }
0 15 elsif ($set_source == 2) { }
234 17 0 if (my $sock = &whois_connect($server_ref))
236 17 0 $query_code && ref $query_code eq 'CODE' ? :
249 311 0 if defined $query{$qkey}
251 2 309 if $qkey =~ /abuse/i and $query{$qkey} =~ /\@/
253 13 2 unless ($query{'abuse'})
254 9 4 if ($query{'fullinfo'} and $query{'fullinfo'} =~ /(\S*abuse\S*\@\S+)/m) { }
1 3 elsif ($query{'email'} or $query{'e-mail'} or $query{'orgtechemail'}) { }
262 3 12 unless (ref $query{'cidr'})
263 0 3 if (defined $query{'cidr'} and $query{'cidr'} =~ /\,/) { }
281 0 63 if $params{'-debug'}
286 2 15 unless keys %query
288 0 15 if ($query{'permission'} and $query{'permission'} eq "denied")
311 0 163 if /ERROR:201/
312 80 83 if /^(\%|\#)/ or not /\:/
316 23 60 $query{lc $field} ? :
326 0 4 if (defined $query{'remarks'} and $query{'remarks'} =~ /The country is really world wide/ or defined $query{'netname'} and $query{'netname'} =~ /IANA-BLK/ or defined $query{'netname'} and $query{'netname'} =~ /AFRINIC-NET-TRANSFERRED/ or defined $query{'country'} and $query{'country'} =~ /world wide/) { }
0 4 elsif (not $query{'inet6num'} || $query{'inetnum'}) { }
351 0 4 unless defined $query{'country'}
364 0 189 if /^\%201/
365 32 157 if (/^\%/)
370 0 32 if (/^\%.*0\.0\.0\.0\s+/)
377 0 157 if $skip_block
378 43 114 unless /\:/
382 6 108 if ($field =~ /^inet6?num$/)
383 0 6 if $value =~ /0\.0\.0\.0\s+/
389 0 114 if $lc_field eq "country" and defined $query{$lc_field}
390 30 84 $query{$lc_field} ? :
394 3 14 unless defined $query{$_}
402 0 3 if (defined $query{'remarks'} and $query{'remarks'} =~ /address range is not administered by APNIC|This network in not allocated/ or defined $query{'descr'} and $query{'descr'} =~ /not allocated to|by APNIC|placeholder reference/i) { }
0 3 elsif (not $query{'inet6num'} || $query{'inetnum'}) { }
436 0 255 if /^\#201/
437 0 255 if /no match found for/i
438 115 140 if /^\#/ or not /\:/
442 3 137 if ($field eq "OrgName" or $field eq "CustName")
448 26 114 $query{lc $field} ? :
452 0 3 if defined $query{'custname'}
455 25 14 unless defined $query{$_}
465 1 2 if $query{'orgid'} and $query{'orgid'} =~ /^\s*RIPE|LACNIC|APNIC|AFRINIC\s*$/
473 1 1 if (defined $query{'cidr'} and $query{'cidr'} =~ /\,/) { }
500 0 172 if /^\%201/ or /^\% Query rate limit exceeded/ or /^\% Not assigned to LACNIC/ or /\% Permission denied/
503 2 170 if (/^\% (\S+) resource:/)
505 0 2 unless $srv =~ /lacnic|brazil/i
507 63 109 if /^\%/ or not /\:/
511 4 2 if $field eq "country" and $query{'country'}
512 46 59 $query{lc $field} ? :
525 3 0 if ($query{'inetnum'})
529 1 2 unless ($query{'country'})
530 1 0 if ($query{'nserver'} and $query{'nserver'} =~ /\.(\w\w)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($query{'descr'} and $query{'descr'} =~ /\s(\w\w)$/) { }
558 0 2 if defined $query{'remarks'} and $query{'remarks'} =~ /country is really worldwide/ or defined $query{'descr'} and $query{'descr'} =~ /Here for in-addr\.arpa authentication/
560 0 2 unless ($query{'inet6num'} or $query{'inetnum'})
581 0 4 unless &is_valid_ip($ip)
582 2 2 unless (scalar @cidr)
584 2 0 if ref $out