Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 58 41.3

line true false branch
36 0 4 unless exists $self->{$key}
37 0 4 if ref $self->{$key} and ref $value ne ref $self->{$key}
49 0 2 unless @{$self->{$key};} % 2 == 0
60 0 0 unless @_ % 2 == 0
66 0 0 if @_
72 0 0 unless @_ % 2 == 0
78 0 0 if @_
85 0 2 unless @_ % 2 == 0
88 0 2 unless ref $cb eq 'CODE'
89 0 2 if ($$self{"watch_$watchtype"}{$fh})
122 0 0 unless exists $$self{"on_$key"}
123 0 0 unless ref $value eq 'CODE'
131 1 0 if (ref $self->{'listen'}) { }
135 0 1 if $self->{'listen'}->error
149 1 0 $self->{'silence_max'} ? :
150 0 1 $self->{'tick_period'} ? :
153 22 0 $self->{'silence_max'} ? :
154 0 22 $self->{'tick_period'} ? :
158 22 0 $ready_read ? :
159 1 20 if ($fh == $self->{'listen'}) { }
1 19 elsif ($self->{'watch_readable'}{$fh}) { }
19 0 elsif ($self->{'conns'}{$fh}) { }
161 0 1 unless $sock
178 22 0 $ready_write ? :
179 1 0 if ($self->{'watch_writable'}{$fh}) { }
187 22 0 if ($self->{'silence_max'})
189 0 22 if ($silence_nextcheck < $now)
191 0 0 if $_->{'conn'}->is_ready
197 0 22 if ($self->{'tick_period'} and $tick_next < &Net::WebSocket::Server::time())