Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 44 61.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
113 15 20 13 defined $self->current_host and $self->current_host < $#{$hosts;}
188 0 0 11 $frame and $frame->command eq 'CONNECTED'
241 0 0 0 $self->{'_framebuf_changed'} and length $self->{'_framebuf'}
286 3 2 4 $receipt_frame and $receipt_frame->command eq 'RECEIPT'
5 2 2 $receipt_frame and $receipt_frame->command eq 'RECEIPT' and $receipt_frame->headers->{'receipt-id'} eq $receipt_id
416 1 1 45 defined $written and $self->_connected
431 2 1 103 defined $len and $len > 0
513 161 2 1 $self->{'_pid'} != $$ and $self->reconnect_on_fork

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
122 2 46 $h->{'ssl_options'} || {}
196 0 0 $frame // {}
246 0 0 $conf ||= {}
248 0 0 $self->select->can_read($timeout) || 0
429 71 35 $self->{'_framebuf'} || ''
546 10 3 $self->serial || 0
550 1 12 $self->session_id || 'nosession'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
161 0 0 0 eval { do { require IO::Socket::IP; 'IO::Socket::IP'->VERSION('0.20'); 'IO::Socket::IP' } } || do { require IO::Socket::INET; 'IO::Socket::INET' }
0 0 0 $socket_class ||= eval { do { require IO::Socket::IP; 'IO::Socket::IP'->VERSION('0.20'); 'IO::Socket::IP' } } || do { require IO::Socket::INET; 'IO::Socket::INET' }