Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
67 0 0 unless (exists $param{'output'} and exists $param{'input'} and exists $param{'mode'} and exists $param{'search'} and exists $param{'global'} and exists $param{'db'})
93 0 0 unless ($ref =~ /^ARRAY$/)
117 0 0 unless $input->postRun
122 0 0 unless $db->init
123 0 0 unless $db->run
132 0 0 unless $mode->init
133 0 0 unless $mode->run
140 0 0 unless $search->init
142 0 0 unless my $result = $search->run
153 0 0 unless $output->init
155 0 0 unless $output->run
177 0 0 if ($global->worker =~ /fork/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($global->worker =~ /thread/i) { }
179 0 0 if ($@)
187 0 0 if ($@)
225 0 0 unless $input->init
230 0 0 unless defined $next
232 0 0 ref($next) =~ /^ARRAY$/ ? :
241 0 0 unless $worker->init('callback', sub { $self->_do; } )
246 0 0 if ($r == 1)