Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 56 44.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
161 7 0 0 defined $options->{'handle_in'} and defined $options->{'handle_out'}
219 13 0 20 defined $args{'arguments'} && ref $args{'arguments'} eq 'ARRAY'
244 14 0 19 defined $args{'on_success'} and ref $args{'on_success'} eq 'CODE'
251 0 0 0 defined $args{'on_failure'} and ref $args{'on_failure'} eq 'CODE'
261 31 0 2 defined $code and not $args{'no_reply'}
262 0 0 31 defined $success and $success
272 0 33 0 defined $code and $code =~ /\D/
275 0 2 31 defined $code and length $code
369 0 0 7 defined $code and ref $code eq 'CODE'
468 32 0 0 not defined $rv and $! =~ /Resource temporarily unavailable/ || $!{'EAGAIN'}
528 11 16 0 defined $params and $params =~ /[\r\n]/
573 36 3 0 $code >= 400 and $self->{'options'}{'error_sleep_time'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
445 32 0 $self->{'options'}{'idle_timeout'} || undef
636 7 0 $self->get_hostname || ''
637 7 0 $self->get_protoname || ''
638 7 0 $self->get_appname || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
141 0 7 0 ref $proto || $proto
217 33 0 0 $args{'name'} || confess(q[missing argument: 'name'])
468 0 0 0 $! =~ /Resource temporarily unavailable/ || $!{'EAGAIN'}
469 0 1 31 not defined $rv or $rv == 0