Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 197 456 43.2

line true false branch
36 3 68 @_ == 1 ? :
45 8 62 ref $_[0] ? :
46 3 67 @_ == 1 ? :
72 13 0 if ($ok) { }
89 70 3 unless eval { do { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $self->commandline } }
93 0 73 unless $self->default_values
94 20 53 if @defaults
99 70 0 ref $_[0] ? :
70 73 if @_
106 70 0 if $script =~ m[^[^/]+/] and $ENV{'PWD'}
116 27 73 $_[0] && ref $_[0] ? :
118 4 96 if @ARGV
119 100 0 if $prop->{'_run_args'}
121 8 92 if ($prop->{'conf_file'}) { }
125 1 91 if $def->{'conf_file'}
135 70 0 unless defined $prop->{'log_level'} and $prop->{'log_level'} =~ /^\d+$/
136 0 70 if $prop->{'log_level'} > 4
139 0 70 if ($prop->{'pid_file'})
140 0 0 unless (eval { do { &check_pid_file($prop->{'pid_file'}) } })
141 0 0 unless $ENV{'BOUND_SOCKETS'}
146 69 1 unless ($prop->{'_is_inet'})
147 0 69 if ($prop->{'setsid'} or length $prop->{'log_file'})
148 0 0 unless open STDIN, "<", "/dev/null"
149 0 0 unless open STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null"
153 70 0 unless ($ENV{'BOUND_SOCKETS'})
154 0 70 if ($prop->{'setsid'} or $prop->{'background'})
156 0 0 unless defined $pid
157 0 0 if $pid
161 0 70 if $prop->{'setsid'}
164 0 70 if (length $prop->{'log_file'} and not $prop->{'log_function'}) { }
0 70 elsif ($prop->{'setsid'}) { }
173 0 70 if ($prop->{'pid_file'})
174 0 0 if (eval { do { &create_pid_file($prop->{'pid_file'}) } }) { }
184 0 70 if $prop->{'double_reverse_lookups'}
186 0 70 if $prop->{'reverse_lookups'} and $prop->{'reverse_lookups'} =~ /^(?:double|2)(.*)$/i
192 70 0 unless (defined $prop->{'log_file'})
198 0 0 if (my $code = $prop->{'log_function'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($prop->{'log_file'} =~ /^([a-zA-Z]\w*(?:::[a-zA-Z]\w*)*)$/) { }
199 0 0 if (ref $code ne "CODE")
201 0 0 unless $self->can($code)
209 0 0 if (eval { do { require $file } }) { }
0 0 elsif ($file =~ /::/ or grep {-e "$_/$file";} @INC) { }
219 0 0 unless $prop->{'log_file'} =~ m(^([\:\w\.\-/\\]+)$)
221 0 0 unless open _SERVER_LOG, ">>", $prop->{'log_file'}
237 3 66 if ($self->isa("Net::Server::MultiType"))
241 69 0 if $type ne $super
245 0 69 if not @{$prop->{'sock'};}
254 7 62 if (not defined $ports or ref $ports and not @$ports)
256 0 7 if (not defined $ports or ref $ports and not @$ports)
264 62 7 ref $ports ? :
265 82 18 @$bind >= @$hosts ? :
100 0 ref $hosts ? :
266 90 10 @$bind >= @$protos ? :
100 0 ref $protos ? :
267 87 13 @$bind >= @$ipvs ? :
100 0 ref $ipvs ? :
270 0 100 if ($port ne 0 and $bound{"$host\e$port\e$proto\e$ipv"}++)
295 0 12 if (exists $ENV{'BOUND_SOCKETS'}) { }
301 0 0 unless defined $orig
302 0 0 $fd =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? :
307 0 0 if (my $ref = $map{$sock->hup_string}) { }
311 0 0 unless keys %$ref
333 7 5 if (@{$prop->{'sock'};} > 1 or $prop->{'multi_port'}) { }
350 13 0 if (not defined $prop->{'group'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($prop->{'group'} =~ /^([\w.-]+(?:[ ,][\w.-]+)*)$/) { }
355 0 0 if $@
360 13 0 if (not defined $prop->{'user'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($prop->{'user'} =~ /^([\w.-]+)$/) { }
365 0 0 if $@
371 0 13 if ($prop->{'group'} ne $) or $prop->{'user'} ne $>)
374 0 0 if $prop->{'pid_file_unlink'}
375 0 0 if $prop->{'lock_file_unlink'}
376 0 0 unless $prop->{'chown_files'}
380 0 0 unless chown $uid, $gid, $file
384 0 13 if ($prop->{'chroot'})
385 0 0 unless -d $prop->{'chroot'}
387 0 0 unless chroot $prop->{'chroot'}
392 0 13 if ($prop->{'group'} ne $))
396 0 13 if ($prop->{'user'} ne $>)
401 0 13 if ($@)
402 0 0 if ($> == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($< == 0) { }
430 2 3 if $self->done
441 8 5 if ($prop->{'multi_port'}) { }
442 0 8 if $prop->{'_HUP'}
444 0 7 if $prop->{'_HUP'}
445 0 7 if ($self->can_read_hook($sock))
452 0 12 unless defined $sock
454 1 11 if (2 == $sock->getsockopt(1, 3)) { }
464 0 12 if $prop->{'_HUP'}
465 12 0 if $prop->{'client'}
478 0 7 unless @waiting
490 1 11 if $prop->{'udp_true'}
492 0 11 unless ($client)
497 3 8 if $client->can("post_accept")
498 10 1 if (not $prop->{'no_client_stdout'})
501 4 6 if ($prop->{'tie_client_stdout'} or $client->can('tie_stdout') and $client->tie_stdout) { }
6 0 elsif (defined(my $fileno = fileno $prop->{'client'})) { }
502 0 4 unless open STDIN, "<", "/dev/null"
503 0 4 unless open STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null"
504 0 4 unless tie *STDOUT, "Net::Server::TiedHandle", $client, $prop->{'tied_stdout_callback'}
505 0 4 unless tie *STDIN, "Net::Server::TiedHandle", $client, $prop->{'tied_stdin_callback'}
507 0 6 unless open STDIN, "<&", $fileno
508 0 6 unless open STDOUT, ">&", $fileno
524 0 12 if ($client->NS_proto =~ /^UNIX/)
526 0 0 if $prop->{'log_level'} and 3 <= $prop->{'log_level'}
530 12 0 if (my $sockname = $client->sockname) { }
538 1 11 if ($prop->{'udp_true'}) { }
11 0 elsif ($prop->{'peername'} = $client->peername) { }
539 1 0 if ($client->sockdomain == 2) { }
544 0 0 'Socket6'->can('inet_ntop') ? :
557 0 12 if ($addr and $prop->{'reverse_lookups'})
558 0 0 if ($client->can('peerhostname')) { }
0 0 elsif ($INC{''} and 'Socket6'->can('getnameinfo')) { }
562 0 0 if @res > 1
566 0 0 if ($prop->{'peerhost'} and $prop->{'double_reverse_lookups'})
574 0 0 $prop->{'peerhost'} ? :
0 12 if $prop->{'log_level'} and 3 <= $prop->{'log_level'}
585 0 13 if $sock and $sock->NS_proto =~ /^UNIX/
589 0 13 $prop->{'peeraddr'} =~ /^\s*::ffff:(\d+(?:\.\d+){3})$/ ? :
591 0 13 if ($prop->{'double_reverse_lookups'})
592 0 0 unless $self->double_reverse_lookup($peeraddr, $prop->{'peerhost'}, $prop->{'peerhost_rev'}, $prop->{'peeraddr'})
599 13 0 unless @{$prop->{'allow'};} or @{$prop->{'deny'};} or @{$prop->{'cidr_allow'};} or @{$prop->{'cidr_deny'};}
604 0 0 if $prop->{'reverse_lookups'} and defined $prop->{'peerhost'} and $prop->{'peerhost'} =~ /^$_$/
605 0 0 if $peeraddr =~ /^$_$/
607 0 0 if (@{$prop->{'cidr_deny'};})
609 0 0 if Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($peeraddr, @{$$prop{"cidr_deny"};})
615 0 0 if $prop->{'reverse_lookups'} and defined $prop->{'peerhost'} and $prop->{'peerhost'} =~ /^$_$/
616 0 0 if $peeraddr =~ /^$_$/
618 0 0 if (@{$prop->{'cidr_allow'};})
620 0 0 if Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($peeraddr, @{$$prop{"cidr_allow"};})
629 0 0 if (not $host) { }
0 0 elsif (not $rev_addrs) { }
636 0 0 $orig_addr && $orig_addr ne $addr ? :
637 0 0 if (not $rev_addrs->{$addr} || $rev_addrs->{$orig_addr}) { }
0 0 elsif ($cfg =~ /autofail/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($cfg =~ /debug/) { }
638 0 0 $cfg =~ /detail/i ? :
658 1 9 if ($prop->{'udp_true'})
660 0 1 if ($prop->{'udp_data'} =~ /dump/)
675 0 9 if (/get\s+(\w+)/) { }
0 9 elsif (/dump/) { }
3 6 elsif (/quit/) { }
6 0 elsif (/exit/) { }
684 0 3 if $@ eq "Timed Out!\n"
699 1 5 if $prop->{'udp_true'}
701 4 1 unless ($prop->{'no_client_stdout'})
702 2 2 if ($t)
703 2 2 if ($t)
704 0 4 unless open STDIN, "<", "/dev/null"
705 0 4 unless open STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null"
712 0 3 if @_
725 0 0 unless defined $pid
726 0 0 unless ($pid)
740 0 0 if $self->{'server'}{'children'}
761 0 3 if (defined $prop->{'ppid'} and $prop->{'ppid'} != $$ and not defined $prop->{'no_close_by_child'})
772 0 0 if ($prop->{'kind_quit'} and $prop->{'children'})
778 0 0 if $self->can("coordinate_children")
779 0 0 unless keys %{$$self{"server"}{"children"};}
784 0 12 if ($prop->{'_HUP'} and $prop->{'leave_children_open_on_hup'}) { }
788 3 9 if $prop->{'children'}
792 2 0 if (defined $prop->{'lock_file'} and -e $prop->{'lock_file'} and defined $prop->{'lock_file_unlink'})
795 0 2 unless unlink $prop->{'lock_file'}
797 0 0 if (defined $prop->{'pid_file'} and -e $prop->{'pid_file'} and not $prop->{'_HUP'} and defined $prop->{'pid_file_unlink'})
801 0 0 unless unlink $prop->{'pid_file'}
803 0 12 if (defined $prop->{'sem'})
807 0 12 if ($prop->{'_HUP'})
813 0 12 if $prop->{'no_exit_on_close'}
828 0 16 if $sock->NS_proto =~ /^UNIX/
840 0 0 unless $prop->{'ppid'}
849 0 3 unless $prop->{'children'} and scalar keys %{$$prop{"children"};}
853 4 0 if (kill "TERM", $pid or not kill(0, $pid))
867 0 0 unless defined $prop->{'children'} and scalar keys %{$$prop{"children"};}
868 0 0 unless $self->is_prefork
873 0 0 unless kill "HUP", $pid
897 0 0 unless $prop->{'_HUP'}[$i]->fdopen($fd, "w")
911 0 0 if ($prop->{'leave_children_open_on_hup'} and scalar keys %{$$prop{"children"};})
947 0 93 unless $prop->{'log_level'}
948 25 68 if $level =~ /^\d+$/ and $level > $prop->{'log_level'}
949 0 68 if @therest
951 5 63 if ($prop->{'log_function'})
952 5 0 if eval { do { $prop->{'log_function'}->($level, $msg); 1 } }
954 0 0 if ($prop->{'log_class'} and $prop->{'log_class'}->can('handle_error')) { }
961 0 63 unless $level =~ /^\d+$/
975 0 63 if ($prop->{'log_file'}) { }
0 63 elsif ($prop->{'setsid'}) { }
1000 552 296 if (not defined $prop->{$_}) { }
8 288 elsif (not ref $prop->{$_}) { }
1026 106 27 unless $template and ref $template
1027 0 0 unless ($_[2] or scalar keys %$template or $self->{'server'}{'_no_options'}++)
1034 318 13 if ($args->[$i] =~ /^(?:--)?(\w+)(?:[=\ ](\S+))?$/ and exists $template->{$1})
1038 315 3 unless (defined $val)
1039 0 315 if ($i > $#$args or $args->[$i] and $args->[$i] =~ /^--\w+/) { }
1044 0 35 if ref $val eq "ARRAY" and @$val == 1 and ref $template->{$key} ne "ARRAY"
1048 274 44 unless ref $val
1050 184 134 if (ref $template->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1051 142 42 unless (defined $previously_set{$key})
1054 12 172 if $previously_set{$key}
1055 35 137 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1057 116 18 unless (defined $previously_set{$key})
1058 24 92 defined ${$$template{$key};} ? :
1060 27 107 if $previously_set{$key}
1061 0 107 if ref $val eq "ARRAY"
1071 9 0 $file =~ m[^([\w\.\-\/\\\:]+)$] ? :
1072 0 9 unless (open my $fh, "<", $file)
1073 0 0 if $ENV{'BOUND_SOCKETS'}
1077 54 135 if $line =~ /(.*?)(?
1079 99 90 if $line =~ /^\s*((?:--)?\w+)(?:\s*[=:]\s*|\s+)(.+)/
1095 0 4 unless exists $prop->{'children'}{$pid}
1098 1 3 if ($prop->{'child_communication'})
1099 1 0 if ($prop->{'children'}{$pid}{'sock'})
1115 0 0 unless kill $sig, $chld
1123 0 3 unless ref $ref
1124 0 3 if ref $ref ne "ARRAY"
1125 3 0 unless @$ref
1130 0 0 if ($code) { }
1133 0 0 ref $SIG{$sig} eq 'CODE' ? :
1135 0 0 if $code
1144 0 2 $s->[1] ? :
1145 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1146 3 4 $s->[1] ? :
1147 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1148 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1149 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1150 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1151 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1152 0 0 $s->[1] ? :
1155 0 0 $s->[1] ? :