Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 70 52.8

line true false branch
76 0 1 unless $string
103 0 0 if $language
143 1 1 if ($params->{'type'} eq "now")
152 1 0 if ($params->{'type'} eq "ical")
182 0 0 exists $template->{$key}{'required'} ? :
190 0 0 if (@usage_req_args)
218 0 136 if (exists $tmpl->{'required'} and not exists $args->{$key})
222 0 0 if (defined $tmpl->{'messages'}{'required'})
231 3 133 if (exists $tmpl->{'default'})
239 0 36 unless exists $template->{$key}
245 2 34 if (exists $tmpl->{'filter'} and ref $tmpl->{'filter'} eq "CODE")
249 29 7 if (exists $tmpl->{'allow'})
251 2 27 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
255 0 5 unless (allow($_, $tmpl->{'allow'}))
264 0 27 unless (allow($value, $tmpl->{'allow'}))
268 0 0 if (ref $tmpl->{'allow'} eq "ARRAY")
274 0 0 if (ref $tmpl->{'allow'} eq "Regexp")
278 0 0 if (exists $tmpl->{'messages'}{'allow'})
290 0 36 if (exists $tmpl->{'post_filter'} and ref $tmpl->{'post_filter'} eq "CODE")
294 3 33 if ($key eq "fields")
296 2 1 if (ref $value eq "ARRAY")
304 1 35 if (exists $tmpl->{'remap'})
323 21 196 if ($scanner_status >= $_)
364 48 938 if (ref $data->{$item} eq "HASH")
367 45 0 if ($item =~ /(Update|Date|Time)$/ and $data->{$item} =~ /\d+/ and ref $data->{$item} ne "Time::Piece")
373 11 3269 if (exists $data->{$field} and ref $data->{$field} ne "Time::Piece")
379 5 405 if (exists $data->{$field} and ref $data->{$field} ne "Time::Seconds")
413 0 10 unless exists $data->{$type}
420 16 20 if (exists $hash{$item->{'id'}}) { }
441 1 5 if (ref $data eq "ARRAY")
450 0 0 $_[0] == 1 ? :
457 0 0 if (ref $date eq "Time::Piece")
461 0 0 if ($date =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/)
466 0 0 if ($date =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/)
471 0 0 if ($date =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/)