Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 132 11.3

line true false branch
37 0 4 unless defined $host
43 0 4 unless $ssh->{'_test'}
53 0 0 $proto == &PROTOCOL_SSH2() ? :
88 0 0 if ($version =~ /$re/)
103 0 4 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
120 0 4 delete $arg{'sys_config'} || $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
125 0 4 if (my $proto = delete $arg{'protocol'})
144 3 1 if (my $real_host = $ssh->{'config'}->get('hostname'))
149 4 0 if ($user and $user eq 'root' and not defined $ssh->{'config'}->get('privileged'))
154 4 0 unless ($ssh->{'config'}->get('protocol'))
159 4 0 unless (defined $ssh->{'config'}->get('password_prompt_login'))
162 4 0 unless (defined $ssh->{'config'}->get('password_prompt_host'))
165 4 0 unless (defined $ssh->{'config'}->get('number_of_password_prompts'))
184 0 0 $host =~ /(.+)@(.+)/ ? :
190 0 0 if $err
198 0 0 if ($x =~ /^y/i)
209 0 0 unless defined $raddr
212 0 0 if ($rport =~ /\D/)
217 0 0 unless connect $sock, sockaddr_in($rport, $raddr)
225 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
230 0 0 unless defined $sock->blocking(0)
242 0 0 if $ssh->{'config'}->get('privileged')
246 0 0 if $addr
247 0 0 if $addr and not $p
251 0 0 unless socket $sock, 2, 1, getprotobyname 'tcp' || 0
254 0 0 if not $p or bind $sock, sockaddr_in($p, $addr)
255 0 0 if ($! =~ /Address already in use/i)
256 0 0 unless close $sock
261 0 0 if ($p)
286 0 0 unless (defined $len)
287 0 0 if $!{'EAGAIN'} or $!{'EWOULDBLOCK'}
290 0 0 if $len == 0
292 0 0 if substr($line, 0, 4) eq 'SSH-' and length $line > 255
294 0 0 if length $line > 4096
295 0 0 if $buf eq "\n"
323 0 0 if ($remote_major == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($remote_major == 2) { }
324 0 0 if ($remote_minor == 99 and $proto & &PROTOCOL_SSH2() and not $proto & &PROTOCOL_SSH1_PREFERRED()) { }
0 0 elsif (not $proto & &PROTOCOL_SSH1()) { }
336 0 0 if ($proto & &PROTOCOL_SSH2())
340 0 0 if ($mismatch)
341 0 0 $proto & &PROTOCOL_SSH2() ? :
346 0 0 $compat20 ? :
0 0 $compat20 ? :
359 0 8 if ($ssh->{'config'}->get('debug'))
360 0 0 $Net::SSH::Perl::HOSTNAME ? :
367 0 1 unless (defined $ssh->{'config'}->get('user'))
368 0 0 defined $user ? :
371 0 1 if (not defined $pass and exists $Net::SSH::Perl::CONFIG->{'ssh_password'})
384 0 0 unless (exists $ssh->{'session'}{'incoming_data'})
385 0 0 $ssh->protocol == &PROTOCOL_SSH2() ? :
392 0 0 if @_ and not defined $ssh->{'session'}{'id'}
408 0 0 if (defined $port and $port =~ /\D/)
415 0 0 unless defined $check_ip
418 0 0 unless (defined $status and $status == &HOST_OK() || $status == &HOST_CHANGED())
422 0 0 if ($status == &HOST_OK()) { }
0 0 elsif ($status == &HOST_NEW()) { }
426 0 0 if ($strict_host_key_checking =~ /(ask|yes)/)
427 0 0 unless ($ssh->{'config'}->get('interactive'))
434 0 0 unless (_read_yes_or_no($prompt, 'yes'))
445 0 0 unless $check_ip and $host =~ /[a-z][A-Z]+/
446 0 0 unless my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($host))
449 0 0 unless (defined $status and $status == &HOST_OK() || $status == &HOST_CHANGED())
452 0 0 if ($status == &HOST_NEW()) { }
0 0 elsif ($status == &HOST_CHANGED()) { }
459 0 0 unless (_read_yes_or_no($prompt, 'yes'))