Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 62 58.0

line true false branch
5 0 1 if $] < 5.006
168 1 10 if _checkHashKeys(%moduleInput)
171 2 8 unless $moduleInput{-'hostname'}
173 3 5 if _verifyPort($moduleInput{-'port'})
175 1 4 if _verifyNumericInput($moduleInput{-'timeOut'})
177 1 3 if _verifyBoolean($moduleInput{-'RFC4330'})
179 1 2 if _verifyBoolean($moduleInput{-'clearScreen'})
186 1 1 unless $client_socket = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('PeerHost', $moduleInput{-'hostname'}, 'Type', 2, 'PeerPort', $moduleInput{-'port'} || 123, 'Proto', 'udp')
190 1 1 if $@ and $@ =~ /Error Creating Socket/
239 0 1 unless $client_socket->send($sendSntpPacket)
242 0 1 if $@ and $@ =~ /Error Sending/
245 1 0 unless defined $moduleInput{-'timeOut'}
250 0 0 unless $client_socket->recv($rcvSntpPacket, 512)
255 0 1 if ($@ and $@ =~ /Error Receiving/) { }
1 0 elsif ($@ and $@ =~ /Error Timeout/) { }
267 0 0 unless $client_socket->close
270 0 0 if $@ and $@ =~ /Error Closing Socket/
291 0 0 if ($RcV{'Precision'} > 127) { }
341 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
0 0 if $moduleInput{-'clearScreen'}
345 0 0 if ($moduleInput{-'RFC4330'}) { }
440 1 10 if (@differendKeys) { }
450 4 11 unless defined $numericInput
451 6 5 if (defined $numericInput and $numericInput =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $numericInput > 0)
459 0 8 unless defined $port
460 6 2 unless (_verifyNumericInput($port))
461 5 1 if ($port >= 1 and 65536 >= $port)
470 5 2 unless defined $input
471 0 2 unless (_verifyNumericInput($input))
472 0 0 if ($input eq '0' or $input eq '1')
483 0 0 if ($stratum < 2) { }