Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 115 170 67.6

line true false branch
484 48 48 if ($vbtype eq 'ARRAY') { }
528 0 1 defined $flag ? :
544 156 0 $com eq 'get_bulk' ? :
168 156 $com eq 'get_next' ? :
28 324 $com eq 'get' ? :
559 155 0 $com eq 'get_bulk' ? :
168 155 $com eq 'get_next' ? :
28 323 $com eq 'get' ? :
574 0 28 unless defined $vlist
575 0 28 unless %{$vlist;}
580 0 28 if (defined $$self{'mycb'})
582 0 0 unless $r
586 14 14 if ($$self{'isMulOid'}) { }
608 0 168 unless defined $vlist
609 0 168 unless %{$vlist;}
620 0 252 unless defined $$self{'curoids'}[$i]
626 42 210 if (not $name =~ /^\.?\Q$baseoid.\E(.+)$/ or $type == ENDOFMIBVIEW()) { }
640 28 140 unless $c
643 0 140 if (defined $$self{'mycb'})
645 0 0 unless defined $r
646 0 0 unless $r
650 70 70 if ($$self{'isMulOid'}) { }
652 0 140 unless defined $ret[$i]
653 0 140 unless @{$ret[$i];}
675 0 155 unless defined $vlist
676 0 155 unless %{$vlist;}
691 27 599 unless defined $$self{'curoids'}[$i]
697 88 511 if (not $name =~ /^\.?\Q$baseoid.\E(.+)$/ or $type == ENDOFMIBVIEW()) { }
710 39 378 unless $c
717 0 155 if (defined $$self{'mycb'})
719 0 0 unless defined $r
720 0 0 unless $r
724 78 77 if ($$self{'isMulOid'}) { }
727 0 323 unless defined $leaf
734 0 188 unless defined $leaf
747 0 50 if (@_ & 1)
757 50 0 if (defined $p{'nonblocking'})
766 29 21 if (defined $p{'snmp'})
768 25 4 if ($type eq 'HASH') { }
4 0 elsif ($type eq 'Net::SNMP') { }
780 37 13 if (defined $p{'hosts'}) { }
782 2 35 if (defined $snmpobj)
790 15 20 if ($type eq 'HASH') { }
9 11 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
797 13 24 if ($type eq 'Net::SNMP') { }
11 13 elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { }
798 1 12 if ($nonblocking and not $value->nonblocking)
803 1 11 if (not $nonblocking and $value->nonblocking)
819 0 11 unless (defined $s)
830 11 2 if (not $type and defined $value) { }
836 0 11 unless (defined $s)
859 0 18 unless (defined $s)
869 2 9 if ($type) { }
881 0 9 if (not defined $s) { }
901 2 42 if (defined $snmpobj)
903 1 1 if ($nonblocking and not $snmpobj->nonblocking)
906 1 0 if (not $nonblocking and $snmpobj->nonblocking)
911 9 33 if (defined $snmphash)
917 0 9 unless defined $s
924 40 2 if (exists $p{'oids'})
926 14 26 if ($type eq 'HASH') { }
936 0 54 unless (defined $oid)
940 0 54 if ($type and $type ne 'ARRAY')
946 2 40 unless (defined $oids)
952 0 80 if (defined $p{$_})
954 0 0 unless (ref $mycb eq 'CODE')
961 0 80 if (defined $p{$_})
991 5 39 unless defined $sessions
1013 1 351 unless (defined $result)
1026 58 11 if ($$istmp{$host})
1115 5 1 unless defined $sessions
1124 0 0 unless defined $r
1125 0 0 unless $r
1133 0 0 unless defined $r
1150 0 0 unless defined $result
1159 0 0 if ($$istmp{$host})
1267 0 50 unless defined wantarray
1270 38 12 if (defined $table and %{$table;})
1276 41 54 if ($key eq '_ANONY_')
1285 9 29 unless $arghosts
1289 50 0 if ($error)
1290 40 10 if (ref $error eq 'HASH') { }
1292 1 2 if (ref $$error{$h} eq 'HASH')
1296 3 37 if (%{$error;})
1308 50 0 wantarray ? :