Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 42 52.3

line true false branch
147 2 6 if grep /^$mixin$/, @class_mixins
151 3 3 if (ref $self) { }
158 1 2 if grep /^$mixin$/, @{$$self{$prefix}{'mixins'};}
183 1 2 if $@
198 1 1 if ($pkg_reaper)
210 1 1 if $@
225 1 1 if 'Package::Generator'->package_exists($pkg_name)
266 0 0 unless ref $session
272 0 0 if defined $session->{$prefix}{'mixins'}
277 0 0 unless (scalar @all_mixins)
291 0 0 if $@
313 0 1 unless defined $session
315 0 1 unless ref $session and $session->isa('Net::SNMP')
324 1 0 if (defined $mixin)
325 0 1 if (exists get_init_slot($session)->{$mixin} and get_init_slot($session)->{$mixin} == 0) { }
344 0 0 unless $session->init_ok($mixin)
348 0 0 $init_error_flag ? :
373 0 2 if (my $net_snmp_error = $session->error)
374 0 0 unless grep /\Q$net_snmp_error\E$/, @errors
378 1 1 if ($clear)
387 0 2 wantarray ? :