Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 42 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
149 0 0 0 $$self{'verbose'} and not $session_id
165 0 0 0 $$self{'verbose'} and not $$self{'session_id'}
296 0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'text'
0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'text' and $input->name =~ /mobile/i || $input->id =~ /mobile/i || $$input{'placeholder'} =~ /Mobile (Number)?/i
0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'textarea'
0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'textarea' and $input->name =~ /sendSMSMsg/i || $input->id =~ /sendSMSMsg/i || $$input{'placeholder'} =~ /(Enter your)?\s*message/i
0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'hidden'
0 0 0 $input and $input->type eq 'hidden' and $input->name =~ /fkapps/i || $input->id =~ /fkapps/i

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
184 0 0 0 $msg or $to
228 0 0 0 $msg or $to
281 0 0 0 $_->attr('name') =~ /frm_sendsms/i or $_->attr('id') =~ /frm_sendsms/i
296 0 0 0 $input->name =~ /mobile/i || $input->id =~ /mobile/i || $$input{'placeholder'} =~ /Mobile (Number)?/i
0 0 0 $input->name =~ /sendSMSMsg/i || $input->id =~ /sendSMSMsg/i || $$input{'placeholder'} =~ /(Enter your)?\s*message/i
0 0 0 $input->name =~ /fkapps/i || $input->id =~ /fkapps/i