Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 106 57.5

line true false branch
46 32 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($sock, 'ARRAY')
48 32 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($s_sock, 'ARRAY')
51 31 1 if ref $addr
58 1348 1903 unless my($buf, $mpt, $seq, $tstamp, $ssrc, $csrc) = _receive_rtp($sock, $writeto, $targs, $didit, $channel)
64 50 1853 unless $s_sock and $remote
67 0 1853 if (@pkt and $pkt[0] ne '')
73 100 1753 if $delay < 0
94 32 0 if $rb
102 0 0 if ($$didit) { }
154 16 0 if ($sock)
155 16 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($sock, 'ARRAY')
160 2913 3459 unless defined $buf
183 16 0 if ref $addr
184 16 0 if ($addr and my $s_sock = $ssocks->[$i])
185 16 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($s_sock, 'ARRAY')
204 16 0 if ($sock)
206 16 0 if $rb
208 16 0 if $timer
216 0 0 if ($$didit) { }
249 4261 5362 if not $from && defined $buf or $buf eq ''
263 0 5362 if ($version != 2)
272 0 5362 $vpxcc & 16 ? :
273 0 5362 if $xh
276 0 5362 $vpxcc & 32 ? :
277 0 5362 $padding ? :
281 0 5339 if ($targs->{'rseq'} and $seq <= $targs->{'rseq'} and $targs->{'rseq'} - $seq < 60000)
288 1952 3410 if (ref $writeto) { }
0 3410 elsif ($writeto) { }
294 0 0 unless ($fd)
295 0 0 unless open $fd, '>', $writeto
301 4213 1149 if (my $xt = $targs->{'dtmf_xtract'})
303 72 4141 if (my($event, $duration) = &$sub($packet))
309 1903 3459 wantarray ? :
339 1310 2312 if (@pkt and $pkt[0] ne '')
349 2312 0 if (ref $readfrom) { }
352 12 2300 unless ($buf)
354 12 0 if $timer
358 0 2300 if ref $buf
364 0 0 unless ($fd)
365 0 0 if $targs->{'repeat'} < 0
366 0 0 if ($targs->{'repeat'} == 0)
369 0 0 if $timer
374 0 0 unless open $fd, '<', $readfrom
378 0 0 if read($fd, $buf, $size) == $size
386 0 2300 if not defined $buf or $buf eq ''
396 2300 0 unless defined $rtp_event
397 2300 0 unless defined $payload_type
425 4057 1418 unless $dtmfs and @$dtmfs
429 1490 12 if (my $duration = $dtmf->{'duration'})
432 48 36 defined $dtmf->{'event'} ? :
1406 84 $dtmf->{'sub'} ? :
438 1406 84 if @pkt
441 12 84 if (my $cb = $dtmf->{'cb_final'})