Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 72 94 76.6

line true false branch
39 36 48 unless defined $event and $event =~ /[\dA-D\*\#]/i
41 42 42 if (defined(my $type = $pargs{'rfc2833_type'})) { }
42 0 elsif (defined($type = $pargs{'audio_type'})) { }
69 9 0 if (defined(my $type = delete $pargs{'rfc2833_type'}))
73 9 0 if (defined(my $type = delete $pargs{'audio_type'}))
77 0 9 unless %sub
83 0 4207 unless $ver == 128
85 36 4171 if ($type & 128)
91 4198 9 if (defined $lastseq)
93 0 4198 if (not $seqdiff) { }
0 4198 elsif ($seqdiff > 32768) { }
94 0 0 if $Net::SIP::DTMF::DEBUG
97 0 0 if $Net::SIP::DTMF::DEBUG
100 0 4198 if $Net::SIP::DTMF::DEBUG and $seqdiff > 1
106 0 4207 unless my $sub = $sub{$type}
107 4135 72 unless my($event, $duration, $media) = &$sub($payload, $time, $marker, $seqdiff)
152 42 735 unless ($initial_timestamp)
157 84 651 if (&gettimeofday() - $start > $duration)
158 42 42 if $end
162 54 639 if $event eq ''
165 24 615 if ($first)
175 639 0 $timestamp > $initial_timestamp ? :
198 36 920 if ($volume & 128)
202 36 920 if (not $current_event) { }
920 0 elsif ($event eq $current_event->[0]) { }
203 0 36 if $end
208 36 884 if ($end)
220 0 0 unless $ce->[2]
272 0 4 if @costab
284 508 130564 if $j < 127 and $ulaw_expandtab[$j + 1] - $i < $i - $ulaw_expandtab[$j]
317 18 24 unless ($f)
321 18 55 if &gettimeofday() - $start > $duration
333 0 24 unless @costab
348 24 611 if &gettimeofday() - $start > $duration
354 48963 48797 $val >= 0 ? :
357 41260 56500 if $e1 < 0
361 46565 51195 if $e2 < 0
386 4 5 unless @costab
392 433309 86851 $_ < 128 ? :
394 0 3251 unless @samples == $samples4pkt
418 18 3233 if @time < $gzpkts
432 927 2306 if (@r and !$r[2][1] || $r[1][1] / $r[2][1] > 5)
434 619 308 unless defined $event
437 2306 927 unless defined $event
443 2270 963 if (not @lastev) { }
927 36 elsif ($event eq $lastev[0][0]) { }
453 0 36 if @ev == 1