Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 21 90.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
94 3 3 22 defined $route and defined $gateway
6 3 19 defined $route and defined $gateway and defined $interface
120 3 16 0 $gateway =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/ and $route =~ m[^[0-9\.]+(?:/\d+)?$]
204 3 3 52 defined $route and defined $gateway
6 3 49 defined $route and defined $gateway and defined $interface
230 5 44 0 $route =~ m[^[0-9a-f:/]+$]i and $gateway =~ m[^[0-9a-f:/]+$]i

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
206 23 15 11 $gateway =~ /^link/ or $gateway eq '::1'