Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 24 54.1

line true false branch
28 6 0 if ($class =~ /^ .* :: (?.*?) $/x)
40 0 2 unless (exists $info{'time'})
42 0 0 exists $self->{'_time'} ? :
47 0 2 if ($USE_SYSLOG)
64 4 0 unless (exists $info{'time'})
66 4 0 exists $self->{'_time'} ? :
71 0 4 if ($USE_SYSLOG)
89 0 8 unless (exists $self->{'_time'} and defined $self->{'_time'})
108 14 0 if ($defaults and ref $defaults eq 'HASH')
111 49 35 unless exists $args_with_defaults{$_}
123 13 1 if (exists $args_with_def->{'port'} and defined $args_with_def->{'port'})
129 0 14 unless (@wanted)