Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 52 7.6

line true false branch
59 0 0 $conf->optionExists('logfile') ? :
61 0 0 wantarray ? :
68 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'__LOGFILETAILS'})
73 0 0 if (-e $logfile) { }
83 0 0 if ($@) { }
98 0 0 wantarray ? :
119 0 0 unless $self->initialize(%options)
132 0 0 unless ($conf->getOption('autodiscovery'))
133 0 0 unless $conf->optionExists('server') and $conf->optionExists('port') and $conf->getOption('server') and $conf->getOption('port')
144 0 0 unless ($conf->optionExists('pidfile'))
187 0 0 unless ($nfound)
194 0 0 unless $filetail->predict
208 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'__PEEP'})
209 0 0 if ($configuration->getOptions) { }
241 0 0 unless ($found)
251 0 0 if ($line =~ /$regex/)
299 1 0 $self->conf->versionExists ? :
303 1 0 if (@version and $version[0] >= 0 and $version[1] >= 4 and $version[2] > 3) { }
0 0 elsif (@version and $version[0] >= 0 and $version[1] >= 4 and $version[2] > 1) { }
306 0 10 if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/
309 10 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+"(.*)"\s+([\w\-\.]+)/)
330 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/
333 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([a-zA-Z])\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+"(.*)"/)
353 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/
356 0 0 if ($line =~ /([\w-]+)\s+([a-zA-Z])\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+"(.*)"/)
393 0 0 wantarray ? :