Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 22 100.0

line true false branch
92 1 69 if @_
98 1 58 if @_
104 50 56 if @_
551 23 43 if (ref $p{'param'} eq "HASH" and keys %{$p{"param"};} > 0)
554 14 9 if ($with_param and $method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'DELETE')
561 9 57 if ($method eq 'POST' and $with_param) { }
584 59 7 if ($code == 200) { }
3 4 elsif ($code == 429 and $retry < $self->{'max_retry'}) { }
3 1 elsif ($code =~ /^4/) { }
586 38 21 if $obj->id
632 2 11 if (ref $param->{$k} eq 'HASH') { }