Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 33 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
130 0 0 unshift @Net::POP3S::ISA, 'IO::Socket::SSL' and 'IO::Socket::SSL'->start_SSL($self, %$args) and $self->isa('IO::Socket::SSL') and bless $self, $type

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
93 0 0 0 defined $ssl and $ssl =~ /ssl/i
110 0 0 0 defined $ssl and $ssl =~ /starttls|stls/i
116 0 0 0 $capa = $obj->capa and exists $capa->{'STLS'}
0 0 0 $capa = $obj->capa and exists $capa->{'STLS'} and $obj->command('STLS')->response == 2
0 0 0 $capa = $obj->capa and exists $capa->{'STLS'} and $obj->command('STLS')->response == 2 and $obj->ssl_start(\%ssl_args)
130 0 0 0 unshift @Net::POP3S::ISA, 'IO::Socket::SSL' and 'IO::Socket::SSL'->start_SSL($self, %$args)
0 0 0 unshift @Net::POP3S::ISA, 'IO::Socket::SSL' and 'IO::Socket::SSL'->start_SSL($self, %$args) and $self->isa('IO::Socket::SSL')
159 0 0 0 index($sv, $i) >= 0 and grep(/$i/i, @matched) == ()

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
54 0 0 $_args{'Port'} || 'pop3(110)'
156 0 0 $self->capa->{'SASL'} || 'CRAM-MD5'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
32 0 0 0 ref $self || $self