Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 46 0.0

line true false branch
32 0 0 if (@_ % 2) { }
41 0 0 if delete $arg{'SSL'}
43 0 0 defined $host ? :
54 0 0 defined $_args{'Timeout'} ? :
55 0 0 if (exists $_args{'ResvPort'})
59 0 0 ref $hosts ? :
62 0 0 if $obj = $type->SUPER::new(%_args)
69 0 0 unless defined $obj
74 0 0 exists $arg{'Debug'} ? :
78 0 0 if ($ssl)
81 0 0 unless (eval { do { require IO::Socket::SSL } })
87 0 0 exists $arg{'Debug'} ? :
91 0 0 if (defined $ssl and $ssl =~ /ssl/i)
93 0 0 unless ($obj->ssl_start(\%ssl_args))
100 0 0 unless ($obj->response == 2)
108 0 0 if (defined $ssl and $ssl =~ /starttls|stls/i)
114 0 0 unless ($capa = $obj->capa and exists $capa->{'STLS'} and $obj->command('STLS')->response == 2 and $obj->ssl_start(\%ssl_args))
128 0 0 unless unshift @Net::POP3S::ISA, 'IO::Socket::SSL' and 'IO::Socket::SSL'->start_SSL($self, %$args) and $self->isa('IO::Socket::SSL') and bless $self, $type
139 0 0 if (exists do { *$this }->{'net_pop3e_capabilities'})
149 0 0 if ($mech)
150 0 0 if $self->debug
157 0 0 if (index($sv, $i) >= 0 and grep(/$i/i, @matched) == ())
161 0 0 if (@matched)