Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 27 55.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
374 17 0 153 $socket and $socket->connected
393 0 0 153 defined $resp and $resp =~ /^PJLINK ([01])( ([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\x0d$/
405 0 0 17 defined $resp and $resp =~ /^%1POWR=\d\x0d$/
426 17 19 1 defined $pass and not $pass =~ /^.{1,32}$/
516 171 0 153 $select->count and time - $start_time < $$self{'receive_timeout'}
529 0 0 153 defined $resp and $resp =~ /^%1$cmd=(.*)\x0d$/
678 0 0 14 $value =~ /^[1-9]$/ and $number =~ /^[1-9]$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
350 18 3 $args{'port'} || 4352
353 0 21 $args{'connect_timeout'} || 0.05
354 0 21 $args{'receive_timeout'} || 5