Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 52 1.9

line true false branch
25 0 1 if (not $supplant and $class eq 'Net::OpenSSH::Compat::Perl' and grep(($_ eq ':supplant'), @_))
33 0 0 if ($end)
67 0 0 unless $sub =~ /^Net::OpenSSH::Compat::(?:\w+::)?(\w+)$/
76 0 0 if $expected eq $state
86 0 0 if not $ssh->error or $ssh->error == 5
88 0 0 if $ssh->error == 1
97 0 0 if defined $password
101 0 0 if defined $user
102 0 0 if defined $password
105 0 0 if defined $cfg->{'port'}
106 0 0 unless $cfg->{'interactive'}
109 0 0 if $cfg->{'privileged'}
110 0 0 if defined $cfg->{'ciphers'}
111 0 0 if defined $cfg->{'compression'}
112 0 0 if defined $cfg->{'compression_level'}
113 0 0 if defined $cfg->{'strict_host_key_checking'}
114 0 0 if ($cfg->{'identity_files'})
117 0 0 if ($cfg->{'options'})
124 0 0 if ($ssh->error)
135 0 0 unless defined $stdin
147 0 0 unless defined $tty
153 0 0 if (shift())->{'cfg'}{'debug'}
184 0 0 defined $v ? :
190 0 0 if %opts
191 0 0 unless $cfg{'proto'} =~ /\b2\b/
200 0 0 if @_ == 3