Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 42 0.0

line true false branch
26 0 0 if ($env->{'CONTENT_TYPE'} || '') =~ /$ct_rx/ and grep(($env->{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq $_), $class->request_body_methods)
30 0 0 /\A(?:HTTPS?_)?((?:(?!\A)|\ACONTENT_).*)/s ? :
47 0 0 unless defined $meth and '' ne $meth
49 0 0 $hdr ? :
51 0 0 if (grep(($meth eq $_), $class->request_body_methods)) { }
53 0 0 unless ($hdr->{'content_type'} || '') =~ /$ct_rx/
59 0 0 defined $_ ? :
66 0 0 if ($auth and ($hdr->{'authorization'} || '') =~ /\A\Q$auth\E +([^ ]+) *\z/) { }
67 0 0 unless my $parser = $auth_parser{$auth}
77 0 0 if (exists $param{$name} and $value ne $param{$name}) { }
82 0 0 if $list == $query
87 0 0 if (my(@dupe) = sort(keys %dupe))
92 0 0 if '' eq $v
107 0 0 unless $self->method
111 0 0 unless $self->ensure_method($self->allowed_methods)
112 0 0 unless $self->ensure_confidential($self->confidential_parameters)
113 0 0 unless $self->ensure_required($self->required_parameters)
123 0 0 if $disallowed
131 0 0 if @missing
140 0 0 if @visible
151 0 0 $self->confidential->{$name} ? :