Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 48 50.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
196 1 0 2 %args and map {defined $args{$_};} keys %args
467 12 3 0 $function ne 'getServerList' and $function ne 'verifyKey'
15 0 0 $function ne 'getServerList' and $function ne 'verifyKey' and $function ne 'getStatistics'
3 0 0 $function ne 'getServerList' and $function ne 'verifyKey' and $function ne 'getStatistics' and $self->session_id
479 1 3 4 ref $results and ref $results eq 'HASH'
4 0 4 ref $results and ref $results eq 'HASH' and $$results{'faultCode'}
481 2 0 2 $fault_code == $ERROR_REFRESH_SERVERS and $$self{'_recurse_level'} < $MAX_API_TRIES
2 0 0 $fault_code == $ERROR_NEXT_SERVER and $$self{'_recurse_level'} < $MAX_API_TRIES

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
256 0 0 0 $args{'session_id'} ||= $self->session_id
293 0 0 2 $args{'session_id'} ||= $self->session_id
332 0 0 1 $args{'session_id'} ||= $self->session_id
371 0 0 0 $args{'session_id'} ||= $self->session_id
461 2 13 0 $$args{'public_key'} ||= $self->public_key
462 2 13 0 $$args{'time'} ||= 'DateTime'->now->strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z')
463 2 13 0 $$args{'nonce'} ||= int rand 2147483647
464 2 13 0 $$args{'hash'} ||= encode_base64(hmac_sha1(join(':', $$args{'time'}, $$args{'nonce'}, $secret), $secret))