Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 30 20.0

line true false branch
34 28 2 unless exists $props{$prop}
43 0 0 if defined $val
50 2 1 if defined $val
57 0 0 if defined $val
64 1 1 if defined $val
71 0 0 if defined $val
77 0 0 if defined $val
84 0 0 if defined $val
91 0 0 if defined $val
99 0 0 if ($val and &blessed($val) and $val->can('get'))
103 0 0 unless ($self->{'_user_agent'})
114 0 0 if ($val and &blessed($val) and $val->can('decode'))
133 0 0 if ($self->$part)
152 0 0 if ($response->is_error)
168 0 0 if (exists $data->{'success'} and not $data->{'success'})