Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 7 24 29.1

line true false branch
46 2 5 unless &reftype($params) eq 'HASH'
48 4 5 unless exists $params->{$p}
51 0 1 unless $params->{'store'}->isa('Net::LDAP::SimpleServer::LDIFStore')
53 0 1 unless $params->{'root_dn'}
55 0 1 unless my $canon_dn = &canonical_dn($params->{'root_dn'})
84 0 0 if (not $request->{'name'} and exists $request->{'authentication'}{'simple'} and $self->{'allow_anon'})
93 0 0 unless exists $request->{'authentication'}{'simple'}
96 0 0 unless my $binddn = &canonical_dn($request->{'name'})
99 0 0 unless uc $binddn eq uc $self->{'root_dn'}
105 0 0 unless $bindpw eq $self->{'root_pw'}
121 0 0 if (defined $request->{'baseObject'}) { }
126 0 0 unless defined $list