Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 63 99 63.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
89 0 0 0 $in_k and !$in_i || $in_k != $in_i
282 45 86 43 $pass != -1 and $buf->{'start'} >= $pass
295 87 4 4 $pp eq 'prepass' and $buf->{'rtype'} == 4097
301 91 0 4 $r_passed and $pp eq 'prepass'
344 63 0 8 $buf->{'gstart'} == $buf->{'gend'} and not $buf->{'gap'}
63 5 3 $buf->{'gstart'} == $buf->{'gend'} and not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'rtype'} ~~ [4097, 4099]
370 0 22 124 defined $fwd[$i][0] and defined $fwd[$i][2]
383 0 0 74 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0
0 6 68 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0 and $buf->{'start'} == $lbuf->{'end'}
6 40 28 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0 and $buf->{'start'} == $lbuf->{'end'} and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'}
46 0 28 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0 and $buf->{'start'} == $lbuf->{'end'} and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} == $lbuf->{'dtype'}
511 57 4 26 $lbuf->{'data'} eq '' and $lbuf->{'rtype'} == 4097
0 42 19 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'data'} eq ''
42 2 17 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'data'} eq '' and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'}
44 0 17 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'data'} eq '' and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} == $lbuf->{'dtype'}
2 0 17 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'data'} eq '' and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} == $lbuf->{'dtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0
0 11 6 not $buf->{'gap'} and $buf->{'data'} eq '' and $buf->{'rtype'} == $lbuf->{'rtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} == $lbuf->{'dtype'} and $buf->{'dtype'} < 0 and not $buf->{'eof'}
563 59 17 8 $buf->{'eof'} and $_->{'data'} ne ''
634 0 0 43 $part->{'prepass'} != -1 and $part->{'prepass'} <= $offset
727 0 0 0 $offset != -1 and $ibuf->[0]{'start'} > $offset

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
105 0 0 $_->[0] // ''
767 20 11 $dtype // -1
810 0 29 $collect_callbacks ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
89 0 0 0 !$in_i || $in_k != $in_i
128 0 0 0 $new_parts[$i] ||= $parts->[$i]
290 45 50 36 $pass == -1 or $buf->{'end'} <= $pass
312 22 0 2 $part->{'pass'} == -1 or $buf->{'eof'}
374 50 0 74 not defined $lpi or $lpi != $fwd[$i][0]
50 0 74 not defined $lpi or $lpi != $fwd[$i][0] or $ldir != $fwd[$i][1]
390 1 10 4 $buf->{'data'} ne '' or $lbuf->{'data'} ne ''
430 7 62 58 $npi < 0 or $npi >= @imp
565 0 0 0 $rl == -1 or $rl >= $lend
676 0 48 1 not defined $buf->{'data'} or $buf->{'data'} ne $newdata
781 0 2 3 $pi < 0 or $pi > $#imp