Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
11 0 0 if ($part_id)
16 0 0 if ($tmp)
21 0 0 if ($tmp)
26 0 0 if ($tmp)
35 0 0 if ($has_headers)
37 0 0 if ($key =~ /^body(?:\.peek)?\s*\[\s*header\.fields/i)
49 0 0 if (defined $str)
71 0 0 if ($self->type)
74 0 0 if ($self->multipart)
86 0 0 if ($disp)
88 0 0 if (ref $val eq "HASH")
90 0 0 if $filename
94 0 0 unless ($filename)
163 0 0 $mt && $MT_HAS_ATTACHMENT{$mt} ? :
173 0 0 if (ref $struct->[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
177 0 0 if $part_id
186 0 0 if ($struct->[2])
195 0 0 if ($self->is_message and $struct->[7] and $struct->[8])
208 0 0 if (ref $struct->[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
212 0 0 if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { }
220 0 0 if $part_id
230 0 0 if ($a)
240 0 0 if ($self->is_message and $struct->[7] and $struct->[8]) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type ne 'text') { }
249 0 0 if ($a)
253 0 0 if (ref $a->[$i] eq "ARRAY")
290 0 0 if ($adr)