Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
113 0 0 if (not _check_host($host) && $port =~ /^[0-9]+$/ or $port < 1 or $port > 19888)
130 0 0 if ($params)
155 0 0 $server ? :
173 0 0 unless (@servers)
174 0 0 @banned_servers ? :
189 0 0 $method eq 'GET' ? :
192 0 0 if $self->debug
201 0 0 if ($response->code == 500) { }
0 0 elsif ($response->code == 401) { }
205 0 0 eval { do { require LWP::Authen::Negotiate; 1 } } ? :
0 0 ($response->headers->{'www-authenticate'} || '') eq 'Negotiate' ? :
221 0 0 unless ($content =~ / \A ( \s+ )? <[?]xml /msx)
222 0 0 if ($content =~ / This\ is\ standby\ RM\.\ Redirecting\ to\ the\ current\ active\ RM /msx)
248 0 0 unless (eval { do { my $content = $response->decoded_content || die('No response from the server!'); unless ($content =~ / \A ( \s+ )? <[?]xml /msx) { if ($content =~ / This\ is\ standby\ RM\.\ Redirecting\ to\ the\ current\ active\ RM /msx) { push @banned_servers, shift @servers; ++$redo; die "Hit the standby with $selected_server"; } ; die $e_non_html . $content; } ; $res = XMLin($content, 'KeepRoot', 0, 'KeyAttr', [], 'ForceArray', ['app', 'appAttempt', 'container', 'counterGroup', 'job', 'jobAttempt', 'task', 'taskAttempt']) || die('Failed to parse XML!'); 1 } })
252 0 0 if ($is_html)
261 0 0 unless my $txt = trim($token->[0])
271 0 0 if $will_fail_again
275 0 0 $response->redirects ? :
283 0 0 if $self->debug
285 0 0 if ($response->is_success)
300 0 0 unless (eval { do { $eval_error = undef; my $uri = $self->_mk_uri($selected_server, $path, $method eq 'GET' ? $extra->{'params'} : ()); print STDERR "====> $uri\n" if $self->debug; my $req = 'HTTP::Request'->new(uc $method, $uri); $req->header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip'); $req->header('Accept', 'application/xml'); my $response = $self->ua->request($req); if ($response->code == 500) { die "Bad request: $uri"; } elsif ($response->code == 401) { my $extramsg = ($response->headers->{'www-authenticate'} || '') eq 'Negotiate' ? eval { do { require LWP::Authen::Negotiate; 1 } } ? ' (Did you forget to run kinit?) ' : q[ (LWP::Authen::Negotiate doesn't seem available) ] : ''; croak("SecurityError$extramsg"); } ; my $res; unless (eval { do { my $content = $response->decoded_content || die('No response from the server!'); unless ($content =~ / \A ( \s+ )? <[?]xml /msx) { if ($content =~ / This\ is\ standby\ RM\.\ Redirecting\ to\ the\ current\ active\ RM /msx) { push @banned_servers, shift @servers; ++$redo; die "Hit the standby with $selected_server"; } ; die $e_non_html . $content; } ; $res = XMLin($content, 'KeepRoot', 0, 'KeyAttr', [], 'ForceArray', ['app', 'appAttempt', 'container', 'counterGroup', 'job', 'jobAttempt', 'task', 'taskAttempt']) || die('Failed to parse XML!'); 1 } }) { my $is_html = $response->content_type eq 'text/html'; my $decode_error = $@ || 'Zombie error'; if ($is_html) { (my $str_to_parse = $decode_error) =~ s/ \Q$e_non_html\E //msx; my $parser = 'HTML::PullParser'->new('doc', \$str_to_parse, 'text', 'dtext') || Carp::confess("Can't parse HTML received from the API: $!"); my(%link, @txt_error); while (my $token = $parser->get_token) { do { next unless my $txt = trim($token->[0]); push @txt_error, $txt }; } ; $decode_error = 'Decoded error: ' . join(' ', @txt_error); } ; my $will_fail_again = $decode_error =~ / could\ not\ be\ found\,\ please\ try\ the\ history\ server /msx; $n = $maxtries if $will_fail_again; my $msg = $response->redirects ? q[server response wasn't valid (possibly buggy redirect to HTML instead of JSON or XML)] : q[server response wasn't valid JSON or XML]; die "$msg - $uri ($n/$maxtries): $decode_error"; } ; print STDERR Dumper($res) if $self->debug; if ($response->is_success) { $ret = $res; return 1; } ; my $e = $res->{'RemoteException'}; die sprintf('%s (%s in %s) for URI: %s', $e->{'message'} || $res->{'message'} || '[unknown message]', $e->{'exception'} || $res->{'exception'} || '[unknown exception]', $e->{'javaClassName'} || $res->{'javaClassName'} || '[unknown javaClassName]', $uri); 1 } })
305 0 0 if $redo
306 0 0 if @servers > 1
309 0 0 if ($ret)
310 0 0 if ($self->add_host_key)
319 0 0 if ($eval_error)