Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 52 94.2

line true false branch
13 3 27 if $lines[0] =~ /^-+$/
26 3 24 if ($line =~ /^Configured Capacity: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 21 elsif ($line =~ /^Present Capacity: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 18 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Remaining: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 15 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Used: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 12 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Used%: *([.0-9]+)/i) { }
3 9 elsif ($line =~ /^Under replicated blocks: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 6 elsif ($line =~ /^Blocks with corrupt replicas: *(\d+)/i) { }
3 3 elsif ($line =~ /^Missing blocks: *(\d+)/i) { }
53 3 0 if (defined $values{'remaining'} and defined $values{'capacity_configured'})
66 51 249 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/)
67 24 27 if scalar @chunk > 0
72 3 246 if $line =~ /^-+$/
74 3 243 if ($line =~ /^Datanodes available: (\d+) \((\d+) total, (\d+) dead\)/i)
85 3 0 if (scalar @chunk > 0)
99 9 18 if (not defined $aggr{'datanode_remaining_min'} or $aggr{'datanode_remaining_min'} > $$node{'remaining'})
102 9 18 if (not defined $aggr{'datanode_remaining_max'} or $aggr{'datanode_remaining_max'} < $$node{'remaining'})
119 27 216 if ($line =~ /^Name: *([-.:0-9a-zA-Z]+)/i) { }
27 189 elsif ($line =~ /^Decommission Status *: *([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/i) { }
27 162 elsif ($line =~ /^Configured Capacity: *(\d+)/i) { }
27 135 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Used: *(\d+)/i) { }
27 108 elsif ($line =~ /^Non DFS Used: *(\d+)/i) { }
27 81 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Remaining: *(\d+)/i) { }
27 54 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Used%: ([.0-9]+)/i) { }
27 27 elsif ($line =~ /^DFS Remaining%: ([.0-9]+)/i) { }
27 0 elsif ($line =~ /^Last contact: (.*)/i) { }