Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 28 57.1

line true false branch
40 0 3 unless $self->should_authenticate($req)
50 2 1 unless (defined $oauth_params->{'oauth_token'})
71 1 2 if (defined $req->env->{'QUERY_STRING'})
80 0 3 if (defined $payload)
82 0 0 if (not defined $ct or $ct eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
95 3 0 if ($port == 80 and $scheme eq 'http')
98 0 0 if (defined $port and defined $scheme and $port == 443 and $scheme eq 'https')
123 19 5 if defined $v
135 0 3 if ($self->realm)
148 3 0 if ($oauth_params->{'oauth_signature_method'} ne 'PLAINTEXT')
157 2 1 if (not $oauth_params->{'oauth_token'}) { }
162 1 0 if ($oauth_params->{'oauth_verifier'}) { }
185 0 3 unless $oauth_params->{'oauth_signature_method'} eq 'PLAINTEXT' or $oauth_params->{'oauth_signature_method'} eq 'HMAC-SHA1'
187 0 3 if ($oauth_params->{'oauth_signature_method'} eq 'PLAINTEXT')